PointerData class

Information about the state of a pointer.


PointerData({Duration timeStamp: Duration.zero, PointerChange change: PointerChange.cancel, PointerDeviceKind kind: PointerDeviceKind.touch, int device: 0, double physicalX: 0.0, double physicalY: 0.0, int buttons: 0, bool obscured: false, double pressure: 0.0, double pressureMin: 0.0, double pressureMax: 0.0, double distance: 0.0, double distanceMax: 0.0, double size: 0.0, double radiusMajor: 0.0, double radiusMinor: 0.0, double radiusMin: 0.0, double radiusMax: 0.0, double orientation: 0.0, double tilt: 0.0, int platformData: 0 })
Creates an object that represents the state of a pointer.


buttons int
Bit field using the *Button constants (primaryMouseButton, secondaryStylusButton, etc). For example, if this has the value 6 and the kind is PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus, then this indicates an upside-down stylus with both its primary and secondary buttons pressed.
change PointerChange
How the pointer has changed since the last report.
device int
Unique identifier for the pointing device, reused across interactions.
distance double
The distance of the detected object from the input surface (e.g. the distance of a stylus or finger from a touch screen), in arbitrary units on an arbitrary (not necessarily linear) scale. If the pointer is down, this is 0.0 by definition.
distanceMax double
The maximum value that a distance can return for this pointer. If this input device cannot detect "hover touch" input events, then this will be 0.0.
kind PointerDeviceKind
The kind of input device for which the event was generated.
obscured bool
Set if an application from a different security domain is in any way obscuring this application's window. (Aspirational; not currently implemented.)
orientation double
For PointerDeviceKind.touch events: [...]
physicalX double
X coordinate of the position of the pointer, in physical pixels in the global coordinate space.
physicalY double
Y coordinate of the position of the pointer, in physical pixels in the global coordinate space.
platformData int
Opaque platform-specific data associated with the event.
pressure double
The pressure of the touch as a number ranging from 0.0, indicating a touch with no discernible pressure, to 1.0, indicating a touch with "normal" pressure, and possibly beyond, indicating a stronger touch. For devices that do not detect pressure (e.g. mice), returns 1.0.
pressureMax double
The maximum value that pressure can return for this pointer. For devices that do not detect pressure (e.g. mice), returns 1.0. This will always be a greater than or equal to 1.0.
pressureMin double
The minimum value that pressure can return for this pointer. For devices that do not detect pressure (e.g. mice), returns 1.0. This will always be a number less than or equal to 1.0.
radiusMajor double
The radius of the contact ellipse along the major axis, in logical pixels.
radiusMax double
The minimum value that could be reported for radiusMajor and radiusMinor for this pointer, in logical pixels.
radiusMin double
The minimum value that could be reported for radiusMajor and radiusMinor for this pointer, in logical pixels.
radiusMinor double
The radius of the contact ellipse along the minor axis, in logical pixels.
size double
The area of the screen being pressed, scaled to a value between 0 and 1. The value of size can be used to determine fat touch events. This value is only set on Android, and is a device specific approximation within the range of detectable values. So, for example, the value of 0.1 could mean a touch with the tip of the finger, 0.2 a touch with full finger, and 0.3 the full palm.
tilt double
For PointerDeviceKind.stylus and PointerDeviceKind.invertedStylus events: [...]
timeStamp Duration
Time of event dispatch, relative to an arbitrary timeline.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


toString() String
Returns a string representation of this object.
toStringFull() String
Returns a complete textual description of the information in this object.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]


operator ==(dynamic other) bool
The equality operator. [...]