pushPhysicalShape method

EngineLayer pushPhysicalShape ({Path path, double elevation, Color color, Color shadowColor, Clip clipBehavior: defaultClipBehavior })

Pushes a physical layer operation for an arbitrary shape onto the operation stack.

By default, the layer's content will not be clipped (clip = Clip.none). If clip equals Clip.hardEdge, Clip.antiAlias, or Clip.antiAliasWithSaveLayer, then the content is clipped to the given shape defined by path.

If elevation is greater than 0.0, then a shadow is drawn around the layer. shadowColor defines the color of the shadow if present and color defines the color of the layer background.

See pop for details about the operation stack, and Clip for different clip modes.


// ignore: deprecated_member_use
EngineLayer pushPhysicalShape({ Path path, double elevation, Color color, Color shadowColor, Clip clipBehavior = defaultClipBehavior}) {
  return _pushPhysicalShape(path, elevation, color.value, shadowColor?.value ?? 0xFF000000, clipBehavior.index);