MaterialLocalizationEnZa class

The translations for English, as used in South Africa (en_ZA).



MaterialLocalizationEnZa({String localeName: 'en_ZA', @required DateFormat fullYearFormat, @required DateFormat mediumDateFormat, @required DateFormat longDateFormat, @required DateFormat yearMonthFormat, @required NumberFormat decimalFormat, @required NumberFormat twoDigitZeroPaddedFormat })
Create an instance of the translation bundle for English, as used in South Africa. [...]


dialogLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when a dialog widget is opened.
read-only, override
licensesPageTitle String
Title for the LicensePage widget.
read-only, override
popupMenuLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when a popup menu widget is opened.
read-only, override
reorderItemLeft String
The semantics label used for ReorderableList to reorder an item in the list one space left in the list.
read-only, override
reorderItemRight String
The semantics label used for ReorderableList to reorder an item in the list one space right in the list.
read-only, override
timeOfDayFormatRaw TimeOfDayFormat
The format to use for timeOfDayFormat.
read-only, override
viewLicensesButtonLabel String
Label for the AboutDialog button that shows the LicensePage.
read-only, override
aboutListTileTitleRaw String
The raw version of aboutListTileTitle, with $applicationName verbatim in the string.
read-only, inherited
alertDialogLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when an alert dialog widget is opened.
read-only, inherited
anteMeridiemAbbreviation String
The abbreviation for ante meridiem (before noon) shown in the time picker.
read-only, inherited
backButtonTooltip String
The BackButton's tooltip.
read-only, inherited
cancelButtonLabel String
Label for "cancel" buttons and menu items.
read-only, inherited
closeButtonLabel String
Label for "close" buttons and menu items.
read-only, inherited
closeButtonTooltip String
The CloseButton's tooltip.
read-only, inherited
collapsedIconTapHint String
The semantics hint to describe the tap action on a collapsed ExpandIcon.
read-only, inherited
continueButtonLabel String
Label for "continue" buttons and menu items.
read-only, inherited
copyButtonLabel String
Label for "copy" edit buttons and menu items.
read-only, inherited
cutButtonLabel String
Label for "cut" edit buttons and menu items.
read-only, inherited
deleteButtonTooltip String
The tooltip for the delete button on a Chip.
read-only, inherited
drawerLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) when a drawer widget is opened.
read-only, inherited
expandedIconTapHint String
The semantics hint to describe the tap action on an expanded ExpandIcon.
read-only, inherited
firstDayOfWeekIndex int
Index of the first day of week, where 0 points to Sunday, and 6 points to Saturday. [...]
read-only, inherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
hideAccountsLabel String
The semantics label used for the button on UserAccountsDrawerHeader that hides the list of accounts.
read-only, inherited
modalBarrierDismissLabel String
Label read out by accessibility tools (TalkBack or VoiceOver) for a modal barrier to indicate that a tap dismisses the barrier. [...]
read-only, inherited
narrowWeekdays List<String>
List of week day names in narrow format, usually 1- or 2-letter abbreviations of full names. [...]
read-only, inherited
nextMonthTooltip String
The tooltip for the MonthPicker's "next month" button.
read-only, inherited
nextPageTooltip String
The tooltip for the PaginatedDataTable's "next page" button.
read-only, inherited
okButtonLabel String
Label for OK buttons and menu items.
read-only, inherited
openAppDrawerTooltip String
The tooltip for the leading AppBar menu (a.k.a. 'hamburger') button.
read-only, inherited
pageRowsInfoTitleApproximateRaw String
The raw version of pageRowsInfoTitle, with $firstRow, $lastRow' and $rowCount verbatim in the string, for the case where the value is approximate.
read-only, inherited
pageRowsInfoTitleRaw String
The raw version of pageRowsInfoTitle, with $firstRow, $lastRow' and $rowCount verbatim in the string, for the case where the value is precise.
read-only, inherited
pasteButtonLabel String
Label for "paste" edit buttons and menu items.
read-only, inherited
postMeridiemAbbreviation String
The abbreviation for post meridiem (after noon) shown in the time picker.
read-only, inherited
previousMonthTooltip String
The tooltip for the MonthPicker's "previous month" button.
read-only, inherited
previousPageTooltip String
The tooltip for the PaginatedDataTable's "previous page" button.
read-only, inherited
refreshIndicatorSemanticLabel String
The default semantics label for a RefreshIndicator.
read-only, inherited
remainingTextFieldCharacterCountFew String
The "few" form of remainingTextFieldCharacterCount. [...]
read-only, inherited
remainingTextFieldCharacterCountMany String
The "many" form of remainingTextFieldCharacterCount. [...]
read-only, inherited
remainingTextFieldCharacterCountOne String
The "one" form of remainingTextFieldCharacterCount. [...]
read-only, inherited
remainingTextFieldCharacterCountOther String
The "other" form of remainingTextFieldCharacterCount. [...]
read-only, inherited
remainingTextFieldCharacterCountTwo String
The "two" form of remainingTextFieldCharacterCount. [...]
read-only, inherited
remainingTextFieldCharacterCountZero String
The "zero" form of remainingTextFieldCharacterCount. [...]
read-only, inherited
reorderItemDown String
The semantics label used for ReorderableList to reorder an item in the list one space down the list.
read-only, inherited
reorderItemToEnd String
The semantics label used for ReorderableList to reorder an item in the list to the end of the list.
read-only, inherited
reorderItemToStart String
The semantics label used for ReorderableList to reorder an item in the list to the start of the list.
read-only, inherited
reorderItemUp String
The semantics label used for ReorderableList to reorder an item in the list one space up the list.
read-only, inherited
rowsPerPageTitle String
Title for the PaginatedDataTable's "rows per page" footer.
read-only, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
scriptCategory ScriptCategory
Defines the localized TextStyle geometry for ThemeData.textTheme. [...]
read-only, inherited
searchFieldLabel String
Label indicating that a text field is a search field. This will be used as a hint text in the text field.
read-only, inherited
selectAllButtonLabel String
Label for "select all" edit buttons and menu items.
read-only, inherited
selectedRowCountTitleFew String
The "few" form of selectedRowCountTitle. [...]
read-only, inherited
selectedRowCountTitleMany String
The "many" form of selectedRowCountTitle. [...]
read-only, inherited
selectedRowCountTitleOne String
The "one" form of selectedRowCountTitle. [...]
read-only, inherited
selectedRowCountTitleOther String
The "other" form of selectedRowCountTitle. [...]
read-only, inherited
selectedRowCountTitleTwo String
The "two" form of selectedRowCountTitle. [...]
read-only, inherited
selectedRowCountTitleZero String
The "zero" form of selectedRowCountTitle. [...]
read-only, inherited
showAccountsLabel String
The semantics label used for the button on UserAccountsDrawerHeader that shows the list of accounts.
read-only, inherited
showMenuTooltip String
The default PopupMenuButton tooltip.
read-only, inherited
signedInLabel String
The semantics label used to indicate which account is signed in in the UserAccountsDrawerHeader widget.
read-only, inherited
tabLabelRaw String
The raw version of tabLabel, with $tabIndex and $tabCount verbatim in the string.
read-only, inherited
timePickerHourModeAnnouncement String
The text-to-speech announcement made when a time picker invoked using showTimePicker is set to the hour picker mode.
read-only, inherited
timePickerMinuteModeAnnouncement String
The text-to-speech announcement made when a time picker invoked using showTimePicker is set to the minute picker mode.
read-only, inherited


aboutListTileTitle(String applicationName) String
The default title for AboutListTile.
formatDecimal(int number) String
Formats number as a decimal, inserting locale-appropriate thousands separators as necessary.
formatFullDate(DateTime date) String
Formats day of week, month, day of month and year in a long-width format. [...]
formatHour(TimeOfDay timeOfDay, { bool alwaysUse24HourFormat: false }) String
Formats TimeOfDay.hour in the given time of day according to the value of timeOfDayFormat. [...]
formatMediumDate(DateTime date) String
Formats the date using a medium-width format. [...]
formatMinute(TimeOfDay timeOfDay) String
Formats TimeOfDay.minute in the given time of day according to the value of timeOfDayFormat.
formatMonthYear(DateTime date) String
Formats the month and the year of the given date. [...]
formatTimeOfDay(TimeOfDay timeOfDay, { bool alwaysUse24HourFormat: false }) String
Formats timeOfDay according to the value of timeOfDayFormat. [...]
formatYear(DateTime date) String
Full unabbreviated year format, e.g. 2017 rather than 17.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
pageRowsInfoTitle(int firstRow, int lastRow, int rowCount, bool rowCountIsApproximate) String
Title for the PaginatedDataTable's row info footer.
remainingTextFieldCharacterCount(int remainingCount) String
The label for the TextField's character counter.
selectedRowCountTitle(int selectedRowCount) String
Title for the PaginatedDataTable's selected row count header.
tabLabel({int tabIndex, int tabCount }) String
The accessibility label used on a tab in a TabBar. [...]
timeOfDayFormat({bool alwaysUse24HourFormat: false }) TimeOfDayFormat
The TimeOfDayFormat corresponding to one of the following supported patterns: [...]
toString() String
Returns a string representation of this object.


operator ==(dynamic other) bool
The equality operator. [...]