AutomatedTestWidgetsFlutterBinding class

A variant of TestWidgetsFlutterBinding for executing tests in the flutter test environment.

This binding controls time, allowing tests to verify long animation sequences without having to execute them in real time.

This class assumes it is always run in checked mode (since tests are always run in checked mode).





checkIntrinsicSizes bool
The value to set debugCheckIntrinsicSizes to while tests are running. [...]
read-only, override
clock Clock
The current time. [...]
read-only, override
debugPrintOverride DebugPrintCallback
The value to set debugPrint to while tests are running. [...]
read-only, override
defaultTestTimeout Timeout
The default test timeout for tests when using this binding. [...]
read-only, override
disableShadows bool
The value to set debugDisableShadows to while tests are running. [...]
read-only, override
inTest bool
Whether there is currently a test executing.
read-only, override
microtaskCount int
The number of outstanding microtasks in the queue.
read-only, override
accessibilityFeatures AccessibilityFeatures
The currently active set of AccessibilityFeatures. [...]
read-only, inherited
buildOwner BuildOwner
The BuildOwner in charge of executing the build pipeline for the widget tree rooted at this binding.
read-only, inherited
currentFrameTimeStamp Duration
The time stamp for the frame currently being processed. [...]
read-only, inherited
debugBuildingDirtyElements bool
Whether we are currently in a frame. This is used to verify that frames are not scheduled redundantly. [...]
@protected, read / write, inherited
debugDidSendFirstFrameEvent bool
Whether the first frame has finished rendering. [...]
read-only, inherited
decodedCacheRatioCap double
The maximum multiple of the compressed image size used when caching an animated image. [...]
read / write, inherited
disableAnimations bool
The platform is requesting that animations be disabled or simplified. [...]
read-only, inherited
endOfFrame Future<void>
Returns a Future that completes after the frame completes. [...]
read-only, inherited
focusedEditable EditableTextState
The current client of the onscreen keyboard. Callers must pump an additional frame after setting this property to complete the the focus change. [...]
read / write, inherited
focusManager FocusManager
The object in charge of the focus tree. [...]
read-only, inherited
framesEnabled bool
Whether frames are currently being scheduled when scheduleFrame is called. [...]
read-only, inherited
gestureArena GestureArenaManager
The gesture arenas used for disambiguating the meaning of sequences of pointer events.
final, inherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
hasScheduledFrame bool
Whether this scheduler has requested that handleBeginFrame be called soon.
read-only, inherited
imageCache ImageCache
The singleton that implements the Flutter framework's image cache. [...]
read-only, inherited
lifecycleState AppLifecycleState
Whether the application is visible, and if so, whether it is currently interactive. [...]
read-only, inherited
locked bool
Whether lockEvents is currently locking events. [...]
@protected, read-only, inherited
pipelineOwner PipelineOwner
The render tree's owner, which maintains dirty state for layout, composite, paint, and accessibility semantics
read-only, inherited
pointerRouter PointerRouter
A router that routes all pointer events received from the engine.
final, inherited
renderView RenderView
The render tree that's attached to the output surface.
read / write, inherited
renderViewElement Element
The Element that is at the root of the hierarchy (and which wraps the RenderView object at the root of the rendering hierarchy). [...]
read-only, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited
schedulerPhase SchedulerPhase
The phase that the scheduler is currently operating under.
read-only, inherited
schedulingStrategy SchedulingStrategy
The strategy to use when deciding whether to run a task or not. [...]
read / write, inherited
showAppDumpInErrors bool
Whether to include the output of debugDumpApp() when reporting test failures.
read / write, inherited
testTextInput TestTextInput
A stub for the system's onscreen keyboard. Callers must set the focusedEditable before using this value.
read-only, inherited
transientCallbackCount int
The current number of transient frame callbacks scheduled. [...]
read-only, inherited


addTime(Duration duration) → void
Increase the timeout for the current test by the given duration. [...]
asyncBarrier() → void
This is called during test execution before and after the body has been executed. [...]
drawFrame() → void
Pump the rendering pipeline to generate a frame. [...]
idle() Future<void>
Acts as if the application went idle. [...]
initInstances() → void
The initialization method. Subclasses override this method to hook into the platform and otherwise configure their services. Subclasses must call "super.initInstances()". [...]
postTest() → void
Called by the testWidgets function after a test is executed.
pump([Duration duration, EnginePhase newPhase = EnginePhase.sendSemanticsUpdate ]) Future<void>
Triggers a frame sequence (build/layout/paint/etc), then flushes microtasks. [...]
runAsync<T>(Future<T> callback(), { Duration additionalTime: const Duration(milliseconds: 1000) }) Future<T>
Runs a callback that performs real asynchronous work. [...]
runTest(Future<void> testBody(), VoidCallback invariantTester, { String description: '', Duration timeout: const Duration(seconds: 2) }) Future<void>
Call the testBody inside a FakeAsync scope on which pump can advance time. [...]
scheduleWarmUpFrame() → void
Schedule a frame to run as soon as possible, rather than waiting for the engine to request a frame in response to a system "Vsync" signal. [...]
addObserver(WidgetsBindingObserver observer) → void
Registers the given object as a binding observer. Binding observers are notified when various application events occur, for example when the system locale changes. Generally, one widget in the widget tree registers itself as a binding observer, and converts the system state into inherited widgets. [...]
addPersistentFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback) → void
Adds a persistent frame callback. [...]
addPostFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback) → void
Schedule a callback for the end of this frame. [...]
allowFirstFrameReport() → void
When called after deferFirstFrameReport: tell the framework to report the frame it is building as a "useful" first frame. [...]
attachRootWidget(Widget rootWidget) → void
Takes a widget and attaches it to the renderViewElement, creating it if necessary. [...]
cancelFrameCallbackWithId(int id) → void
Cancels the transient frame callback with the given id. [...]
cancelPointer(int pointer) → void
Dispatch a PointerCancelEvent for the given pointer soon. [...]
createImageCache() ImageCache
Creates the ImageCache singleton (accessible via imageCache). [...]
@protected, inherited
createViewConfiguration() ViewConfiguration
Returns a ViewConfiguration configured for the RenderView based on the current environment. [...]
debugAssertNoTransientCallbacks(String reason) bool
Asserts that there are no registered transient callbacks; if there are, prints their locations and throws an exception. [...]
deferFirstFrameReport() → void
Tell the framework not to report the frame it is building as a "useful" first frame until there is a corresponding call to allowFirstFrameReport. [...]
dispatchAccessibilityFeaturesChanged() → void
Notify all the observers that the active set of AccessibilityFeatures has changed (using WidgetsBindingObserver.didChangeAccessibilityFeatures), giving them the features argument. [...]
@mustCallSuper, @protected, inherited
dispatchEvent(PointerEvent event, HitTestResult result, { TestBindingEventSource source: TestBindingEventSource.device }) → void
Dispatch an event to a hit test result's path. [...]
dispatchLocalesChanged(List<Locale> locales) → void
Notify all the observers that the locale has changed (using WidgetsBindingObserver.didChangeLocales), giving them the locales argument. [...]
@mustCallSuper, @protected, inherited
ensureVisualUpdate() → void
Schedules a new frame using scheduleFrame if this object is not currently producing a frame. [...]
evict(String asset) → void
Called in response to the ext.flutter.evict service extension. [...]
globalToLocal(Offset point) Offset
Convert the given point from the global coordinate system (as used by pointer events from the device) to the coordinate system used by the tests (an 800 by 600 window).
handleAccessibilityFeaturesChanged() → void
Called when the platform accessibility features change. [...]
handleAppLifecycleStateChanged(AppLifecycleState state) → void
Called when the application lifecycle state changes. [...]
handleBeginFrame(Duration rawTimeStamp) → void
Called by the engine to prepare the framework to produce a new frame. [...]
handleDrawFrame() → void
Called by the engine to produce a new frame. [...]
handleEvent(PointerEvent event, HitTestEntry entry) → void
Override this method to receive events.
handleEventLoopCallback() bool
Execute the highest-priority task, if it is of a high enough priority. [...]
@visibleForTesting, inherited
handleLocaleChanged() → void
Called when the system locale changes. [...]
@mustCallSuper, @protected, inherited
handleMemoryPressure() → void
Called when the operating system notifies the application of a memory pressure situation. [...]
handleMetricsChanged() → void
Called when the system metrics change. [...]
handlePopRoute() Future<void>
Called when the system pops the current route. [...]
@protected, inherited
handlePushRoute(String route) Future<void>
Called when the host tells the app to push a new route onto the navigator. [...]
@mustCallSuper, @protected, inherited
handleTextScaleFactorChanged() → void
Called when the platform text scale factor changes. [...]
hitTest(HitTestResult result, Offset position) → void
Check whether the given position hits this object. [...]
initLicenses() → void
Adds relevant licenses to the LicenseRegistry. [...]
initRenderView() → void
Creates a RenderView object to be the root of the RenderObject rendering tree, and initializes it so that it will be rendered when the engine is next ready to display a frame. [...]
initServiceExtensions() → void
Called when the binding is initialized, to register service extensions. [...]
instantiateImageCodec(Uint8List list) Future<Codec>
Calls through to dart:ui with decodedCacheRatioCap from ImageCache.
localToGlobal(Offset point) Offset
Convert the given point from the coordinate system used by the tests (an 800 by 600 window) to the global coordinate system (as used by pointer events from the device).
lockEvents(Future<void> callback()) Future<void>
Locks the dispatching of asynchronous events and callbacks until the callback's future completes. [...]
@protected, inherited
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
performReassemble() Future<void>
This method is called by reassembleApplication to actually cause the application to reassemble, e.g. after a hot reload. [...]
reassembleApplication() Future<void>
Cause the entire application to redraw, e.g. after a hot reload. [...]
registerBoolServiceExtension({String name, AsyncValueGetter<bool> getter, AsyncValueSetter<bool> setter }) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""), which takes a single argument "enabled" which can have the value "true" or the value "false" or can be omitted to read the current value. (Any value other than "true" is considered equivalent to "false". Other arguments are ignored.) [...]
@protected, inherited
registerNumericServiceExtension({String name, AsyncValueGetter<double> getter, AsyncValueSetter<double> setter }) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""), which takes a single argument with the same name as the method which, if present, must have a value that can be parsed by double.parse, and can be omitted to read the current value. (Other arguments are ignored.) [...]
@protected, inherited
registerServiceExtension({String name, ServiceExtensionCallback callback }) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""). [...]
@protected, inherited
registerSignalServiceExtension({String name, AsyncCallback callback }) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""), which takes no arguments and returns no value. [...]
@protected, inherited
registerStringServiceExtension({String name, AsyncValueGetter<String> getter, AsyncValueSetter<String> setter }) → void
Registers a service extension method with the given name (full name ""), which optionally takes a single argument with the name "value". If the argument is omitted, the value is to be read, otherwise it is to be set. Returns the current value. [...]
@protected, inherited
removeObserver(WidgetsBindingObserver observer) bool
Unregisters the given observer. This should be used sparingly as it is relatively expensive (O(N) in the number of registered observers). [...]
reportExceptionNoticed(FlutterErrorDetails exception) → void
Called when the framework catches an exception, even if that exception is being handled by takeException. [...]
@protected, inherited
resetEpoch() → void
Prepares the scheduler for a non-monotonic change to how time stamps are calculated. [...]
scheduleForcedFrame() → void
Schedules a new frame by calling Window.scheduleFrame. [...]
scheduleFrame() → void
If necessary, schedules a new frame by calling Window.scheduleFrame. [...]
scheduleFrameCallback(FrameCallback callback, { bool rescheduling: false }) int
Schedules the given transient frame callback. [...]
scheduleTask<T>(TaskCallback<T> task, Priority priority, { String debugLabel, Flow flow }) Future<T>
Schedules the given task with the given priority and returns a Future that completes to the task's eventual return value. [...]
setLocale(String languageCode, String countryCode) Future<void>
Artificially calls dispatchLocalesChanged on the Widget binding, then flushes microtasks. [...]
setLocales(List<Locale> locales) Future<void>
Artificially calls dispatchLocalesChanged on the Widget binding, then flushes microtasks.
setSemanticsEnabled(bool enabled) → void
Whether the render tree associated with this binding should produce a tree of SemanticsNode objects.
setSurfaceSize(Size size) Future<void>
Artificially changes the surface size to size on the Widget binding, then flushes microtasks. [...]
takeException() → dynamic
Returns the exception most recently caught by the Flutter framework. [...]
toString() String
Returns a string representation of this object.
unlocked() → void
Called by lockEvents when events get unlocked. [...]


operator ==(dynamic other) bool
The equality operator. [...]