transitionTextConfiguration top-level property

TextTreeConfiguration transitionTextConfiguration

Configuration that draws a box around a leaf node.

Used by leaf nodes such as TextSpan to draw a clear border around the contents of a node.


 ╞═╦══ <name> ═══
 │ ║  <description>:
 │ ║    <body>
 │ ║    ...
 │ ╚═══════════
 ╘═╦══ <name> ═══
   ║  <description>:
   ║    <body>
   ║    ...

/// See also:


final TextTreeConfiguration transitionTextConfiguration = TextTreeConfiguration(
  prefixLineOne:           '╞═╦══ ',
  prefixLastChildLineOne:  '╘═╦══ ',
  prefixOtherLines:         ' ║ ',
  footer:                   ' ╚═══════════\n',
  linkCharacter:            '│',
  // Subtree boundaries are clear due to the border around the node so omit the
  // property prefix.
  propertyPrefixIfChildren: '',
  propertyPrefixNoChildren: '',
  prefixOtherLinesRootNode: '',
  afterName:                ' ═══',
  // Add a colon after the description if the node has a body to make the
  // connection between the description and the body clearer.
  afterDescriptionIfBody: ':',
  // Members are indented an extra two spaces to disambiguate as the description
  // is placed within the box instead of along side the name as is the case for
  // other styles.
  bodyIndent: '  ',
  isNameOnOwnLine: true,
  // No need to add a blank line as the footer makes the boundary of this
  // subtree unambiguous.
  addBlankLineIfNoChildren: false,
  isBlankLineBetweenPropertiesAndChildren: false,