FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerRouter constructor

const FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerRouter({dynamic exception, StackTrace stack, String library, String context, PointerRouter router, PointerRoute route, PointerEvent event, InformationCollector informationCollector, bool silent: false })

Creates a FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerRouter object with the given arguments setting the object's properties.

The gestures library calls this constructor when catching an exception that will subsequently be reported using FlutterError.onError.


const FlutterErrorDetailsForPointerRouter({
  dynamic exception,
  StackTrace stack,
  String library,
  String context,
  InformationCollector informationCollector,
  bool silent = false
}) : super(
  exception: exception,
  stack: stack,
  library: library,
  context: context,
  informationCollector: informationCollector,
  silent: silent