withLocale method
Run function
with the default locale set to locale
return the result.
This is run in a zone, so async operations invoked
from within function
will still have the locale set.
In simple usage function
might be a single
call or number/date formatting operation. But it can
also be an arbitrary function that calls multiple Intl operations.
For example
Intl.withLocale("fr", () => new NumberFormat.format(123456));
hello(name) => Intl.message(
"Hello $name.",
name: 'hello',
args: [name],
desc: 'Say Hello');
Intl.withLocale("zh", new Timer(new Duration(milliseconds:10),
() => print(hello("World")));
static withLocale(String locale, function()) {
var canonical = Intl.canonicalizedLocale(locale);
return runZoned(function, zoneValues: {#Intl.locale: canonical});