copyWith method

ButtonThemeData copyWith ({ButtonTextTheme textTheme, ButtonBarLayoutBehavior layoutBehavior, double minWidth, double height, EdgeInsetsGeometry padding, ShapeBorder shape, bool alignedDropdown, Color buttonColor, Color disabledColor, Color highlightColor, Color splashColor, ColorScheme colorScheme, MaterialTapTargetSize materialTapTargetSize })

Creates a copy of this button theme data object with the matching fields replaced with the non-null parameter values.


ButtonThemeData copyWith({
  ButtonTextTheme textTheme,
  ButtonBarLayoutBehavior layoutBehavior,
  double minWidth,
  double height,
  EdgeInsetsGeometry padding,
  ShapeBorder shape,
  bool alignedDropdown,
  Color buttonColor,
  Color disabledColor,
  Color highlightColor,
  Color splashColor,
  ColorScheme colorScheme,
  MaterialTapTargetSize materialTapTargetSize,
}) {
  return ButtonThemeData(
    textTheme: textTheme ?? this.textTheme,
    layoutBehavior: layoutBehavior ?? this.layoutBehavior,
    minWidth: minWidth ?? this.minWidth,
    height: height ?? this.height,
    padding: padding ?? this.padding,
    shape: shape ?? this.shape,
    alignedDropdown: alignedDropdown ?? this.alignedDropdown,
    buttonColor: buttonColor ?? _buttonColor,
    disabledColor: disabledColor ?? _disabledColor,
    highlightColor: highlightColor ?? _highlightColor,
    splashColor: splashColor ?? _splashColor,
    colorScheme: colorScheme ?? this.colorScheme,
    materialTapTargetSize: materialTapTargetSize ?? _materialTapTargetSize,