InkHighlight class

A visual emphasis on a part of a Material receiving user interaction.

This object is rarely created directly. Instead of creating an ink highlight directly, consider using an InkResponse or InkWell widget, which uses gestures (such as tap and long-press) to trigger ink highlights.

See also:

  • InkResponse, which uses gestures to trigger ink highlights and ink splashes in the parent Material.
  • InkWell, which is a rectangular InkResponse (the most common type of ink response).
  • Material, which is the widget on which the ink highlight is painted.
  • InkSplash, which is an ink feature that shows a reaction to user input on a Material.


InkHighlight({@required MaterialInkController controller, @required RenderBox referenceBox, @required Color color, @required TextDirection textDirection, BoxShape shape: BoxShape.rectangle, BorderRadius borderRadius, ShapeBorder customBorder, RectCallback rectCallback, VoidCallback onRemoved })
Begin a highlight animation. [...]


active bool
Whether this part of the material is being visually emphasized.
color Color
The ink's color.
read / write, inherited
controller MaterialInkController
The MaterialInkController associated with this InkFeature. [...]
read-only, inherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, inherited
onRemoved VoidCallback
Called when the ink feature is no longer visible on the material.
final, inherited
referenceBox RenderBox
The render box whose visual position defines the frame of reference for this ink feature.
final, inherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


activate() → void
Start visually emphasizing this part of the material.
deactivate() → void
Stop visually emphasizing this part of the material.
dispose() → void
Free up the resources associated with this ink feature.
paintFeature(Canvas canvas, Matrix4 transform) → void
Override this method to paint the ink feature. [...]
cancel() → void
Called when the user input that triggered this feature's appearance was canceled. [...]
confirm() → void
Called when the user input that triggered this feature's appearance was confirmed. [...]
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
toString() String
Returns a string representation of this object.


operator ==(dynamic other) bool
The equality operator. [...]