SliderThemeData class

Holds the color, shape, and typography values for a material design slider theme.

Use this class to configure a SliderTheme widget, or to set the ThemeData.sliderTheme for a Theme widget.

To obtain the current ambient slider theme, use SliderTheme.of.

The parts of a slider are:

  • The "thumb", which is a shape that slides horizontally when the user drags it.
  • The "track", which is the line that the slider thumb slides along.
  • The "value indicator", which is a shape that pops up when the user is dragging the thumb to indicate the value being selected.
  • The "active" side of the slider is the side between the thumb and the minimum value.
  • The "inactive" side of the slider is the side between the thumb and the maximum value.
  • The Slider is disabled when it is not accepting user input. See Slider for details on when this happens.

The thumb and the value indicator may have their shapes and behavior customized by creating your own SliderComponentShape that does what you want. See RoundSliderThumbShape and PaddleSliderValueIndicatorShape for examples.

See also:



SliderThemeData({@required Color activeTrackColor, @required Color inactiveTrackColor, @required Color disabledActiveTrackColor, @required Color disabledInactiveTrackColor, @required Color activeTickMarkColor, @required Color inactiveTickMarkColor, @required Color disabledActiveTickMarkColor, @required Color disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, @required Color thumbColor, @required Color disabledThumbColor, @required Color overlayColor, @required Color valueIndicatorColor, @required SliderComponentShape thumbShape, @required SliderComponentShape valueIndicatorShape, @required ShowValueIndicator showValueIndicator, @required TextStyle valueIndicatorTextStyle })
Create a SliderThemeData given a set of exact values. All the values must be specified. [...]
SliderThemeData.fromPrimaryColors({@required Color primaryColor, @required Color primaryColorDark, @required Color primaryColorLight, @required TextStyle valueIndicatorTextStyle })
Generates a SliderThemeData from three main colors. [...]


activeTickMarkColor Color
The color of the track's tick marks that are drawn between the Slider.min position and the current thumb position.
activeTrackColor Color
The color of the Slider track between the Slider.min position and the current thumb position.
disabledActiveTickMarkColor Color
The color of the track's tick marks that are drawn between the Slider.min position and the current thumb position when the Slider is disabled.
disabledActiveTrackColor Color
The color of the Slider track between the Slider.min position and the current thumb position when the Slider is disabled.
disabledInactiveTickMarkColor Color
The color of the track's tick marks that are drawn between the current thumb position and the Slider.max position when the Slider is disabled.
disabledInactiveTrackColor Color
The color of the Slider track between the current thumb position and the Slider.max position when the Slider is disabled.
disabledThumbColor Color
The color given to the thumbShape to draw itself with when the Slider is disabled.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, override
inactiveTickMarkColor Color
The color of the track's tick marks that are drawn between the current thumb position and the Slider.max position.
inactiveTrackColor Color
The color of the Slider track between the current thumb position and the Slider.max position.
overlayColor Color
The color of the overlay drawn around the slider thumb when it is pressed. [...]
showValueIndicator ShowValueIndicator
Whether the value indicator should be shown for different types of sliders. [...]
thumbColor Color
The color given to the thumbShape to draw itself with.
thumbShape SliderComponentShape
The shape and behavior that will be used to draw the Slider's thumb. [...]
valueIndicatorColor Color
The color given to the valueIndicatorShape to draw itself with.
valueIndicatorShape SliderComponentShape
The shape and behavior that will be used to draw the Slider's value indicator. [...]
valueIndicatorTextStyle TextStyle
The text style for the text on the value indicator. [...]
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


copyWith({Color activeTrackColor, Color inactiveTrackColor, Color disabledActiveTrackColor, Color disabledInactiveTrackColor, Color activeTickMarkColor, Color inactiveTickMarkColor, Color disabledActiveTickMarkColor, Color disabledInactiveTickMarkColor, Color thumbColor, Color disabledThumbColor, Color overlayColor, Color valueIndicatorColor, SliderComponentShape thumbShape, SliderComponentShape valueIndicatorShape, ShowValueIndicator showValueIndicator, TextStyle valueIndicatorTextStyle }) SliderThemeData
Creates a copy of this object but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Add additional properties associated with the node. [...]
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]
toDiagnosticsNode({String name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle style }) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by toStringDeep. [...]
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel: DiagnosticLevel.debug }) String
Returns a string representation of this object.
toStringShort() String
A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the hashCode. [...]


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator. [...]

Static Methods

lerp(SliderThemeData a, SliderThemeData b, double t) SliderThemeData
Linearly interpolate between two slider themes. [...]