SliderThemeData constructor
Create a SliderThemeData given a set of exact values. All the values must be specified.
This will rarely be used directly. It is used by lerp to create intermediate themes based on two themes.
The simplest way to create a SliderThemeData is to use copyWith on the one you get from SliderTheme.of, or create an entirely new one with SliderThemeData.fromPrimaryColors.
class Blissful extends StatefulWidget {
State createState() => BlissfulState();
class BlissfulState extends State<Blissful> {
double _bliss;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return SliderTheme(
data: SliderTheme.of(context).copyWith(activeTrackColor: const Color(0xff404080)),
child: Slider(
onChanged: (double value) { setState(() { _bliss = value; }); },
value: _bliss,
const SliderThemeData({
@required this.activeTrackColor,
@required this.inactiveTrackColor,
@required this.disabledActiveTrackColor,
@required this.disabledInactiveTrackColor,
@required this.activeTickMarkColor,
@required this.inactiveTickMarkColor,
@required this.disabledActiveTickMarkColor,
@required this.disabledInactiveTickMarkColor,
@required this.thumbColor,
@required this.disabledThumbColor,
@required this.overlayColor,
@required this.valueIndicatorColor,
@required this.thumbShape,
@required this.valueIndicatorShape,
@required this.showValueIndicator,
@required this.valueIndicatorTextStyle,
}) : assert(activeTrackColor != null),
assert(inactiveTrackColor != null),
assert(disabledActiveTrackColor != null),
assert(disabledInactiveTrackColor != null),
assert(activeTickMarkColor != null),
assert(inactiveTickMarkColor != null),
assert(disabledActiveTickMarkColor != null),
assert(disabledInactiveTickMarkColor != null),
assert(thumbColor != null),
assert(disabledThumbColor != null),
assert(overlayColor != null),
assert(valueIndicatorColor != null),
assert(thumbShape != null),
assert(valueIndicatorShape != null),
assert(valueIndicatorTextStyle != null),
assert(showValueIndicator != null);