lerp method

TextTheme lerp (TextTheme a, TextTheme b, double t)

Linearly interpolate between two text themes.

The arguments must not be null.



static TextTheme lerp(TextTheme a, TextTheme b, double t) {
  assert(a != null);
  assert(b != null);
  assert(t != null);
  return TextTheme(
    display4: TextStyle.lerp(a.display4, b.display4, t),
    display3: TextStyle.lerp(a.display3, b.display3, t),
    display2: TextStyle.lerp(a.display2, b.display2, t),
    display1: TextStyle.lerp(a.display1, b.display1, t),
    headline: TextStyle.lerp(a.headline, b.headline, t),
    title: TextStyle.lerp(a.title, b.title, t),
    subhead: TextStyle.lerp(a.subhead, b.subhead, t),
    body2: TextStyle.lerp(a.body2, b.body2, t),
    body1: TextStyle.lerp(a.body1, b.body1, t),
    caption: TextStyle.lerp(a.caption, b.caption, t),
    button: TextStyle.lerp(a.button, b.button, t),
    subtitle: TextStyle.lerp(a.subtitle, b.subtitle, t),
    overline: TextStyle.lerp(a.overline, b.overline, t),