collection library


CanonicalizedMap<C, K, V>
A map whose keys are converted to canonical values of type C. [...]
String equality that's insensitive to differences in ASCII case. [...]
A view of several iterables combined sequentially into a single iterable. [...]
A view of several lists combined into a single list. [...]
CombinedMapView<K, V>
Returns a new map that represents maps flattened into a single map. [...]
Deep equality on collections. [...]
Equality of objects that compares only the natural equality of the objects. [...]
An Iterable that delegates all operations to a base iterable. [...]
A List that delegates all operations to a base list. [...]
DelegatingMap<K, V>
A Map that delegates all operations to a base map. [...]
A Queue that delegates all operations to a base queue. [...]
A Set that delegates all operations to a base set. [...]
A generic equality relation on objects.
EqualityBy<E, F>
Equality of objects based on derived values. [...]
EqualityMap<K, V>
A Map whose key equality is determined by an Equality object.
A Map whose key equality is determined by an Equality object.
Heap based priority queue. [...]
Equality of objects that compares only the identity of the objects.
Equality on iterables. [...]
Iterable that iterates over lists of values from other iterables. [...]
Equality on lists. [...]
MapEquality<K, V>
Equality on maps. [...]
An unmodifiable Set view of the keys of a Map. [...]
MapValueSet<K, V>
Creates a modifiable Set view of the values of a Map. [...]
Combines several equalities into a single equality. [...]
Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all list operations that change the List's length.
A fixed-length list. [...]
A priority queue is a priority based work-list of elements. [...]
A class that efficiently implements both Queue and List.
Equality of sets. [...]
A single set that provides a view of the union over a set of sets. [...]
A controller that exposes a view of the union of a collection of sets. [...]
An unmodifiable List view of another List. [...]
UnmodifiableMapMixin<K, V>
Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all map operations that change the Map.
UnmodifiableMapView<K, V>
View of a Map that disallow modifying the map. [...]
Mixin class that implements a throwing version of all set operations that change the Set.
An unmodifiable set. [...]
Equality of the elements of two iterables without considering order. [...]


binarySearch<T>(List<T> sortedList, T value, { int compare(T a, T b) }) int
Returns a position of the value in sortedList, if it is there. [...]
compareAsciiLowerCase(String a, String b) int
Compares a and b lexically, converting ASCII letters to lower case. [...]
compareAsciiLowerCaseNatural(String a, String b) int
Compares strings a and b according to lower-case natural sort ordering. [...]
compareAsciiUpperCase(String a, String b) int
Compares a and b lexically, converting ASCII letters to upper case. [...]
compareAsciiUpperCaseNatural(String a, String b) int
Compares strings a and b according to upper-case natural sort ordering. [...]
compareNatural(String a, String b) int
Compares strings a and b according to natural sort ordering. [...]
equalsIgnoreAsciiCase(String a, String b) bool
Checks if strings a and b differ only on the case of ASCII letters. [...]
groupBy<S, T>(Iterable<S> values, T key(S element)) Map<T, List<S>>
Groups the elements in values by the value returned by key. [...]
hashIgnoreAsciiCase(String string) int
Hash code for a string which is compatible with equalsIgnoreAsciiCase. [...]
insertionSort<T>(List<T> list, { int compare(T a, T b), int start: 0, int end }) → void
Sort a list between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) using insertion sort. [...]
lowerBound<T>(List<T> sortedList, T value, { int compare(T a, T b) }) int
Returns the first position in sortedList that does not compare less than value. [...]
mapMap<K1, V1, K2, V2>(Map<K1, V1> map, { K2 key(K1 key, V1 value), V2 value(K1 key, V1 value) }) Map<K2, V2>
Creates a new map from map with new keys and values. [...]
maxBy<S, T>(Iterable<S> values, T orderBy(S element), { int compare(T value1, T value2) }) → S
Returns the element of values for which orderBy returns the maximum value. [...]
mergeMaps<K, V>(Map<K, V> map1, Map<K, V> map2, { V value(V value1, V value2) }) Map<K, V>
Returns a new map with all key/value pairs in both map1 and map2. [...]
mergeSort<T>(List<T> list, { int start: 0, int end, int compare(T a, T b) }) → void
Sorts a list between start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) using the merge sort algorithm. [...]
minBy<S, T>(Iterable<S> values, T orderBy(S element), { int compare(T value1, T value2) }) → S
Returns the element of values for which orderBy returns the minimum value. [...]
reverse(List list, [ int start = 0, int end ]) → void
Reverses a list, or a part of a list, in-place.
shuffle(List list, [ int start = 0, int end ]) → void
Shuffles a list randomly. [...]
stronglyConnectedComponents<T>(Map<T, Iterable<T>> graph) List<Set<T>>
Returns the strongly connected components of graph, in topological order. [...]
transitiveClosure<T>(Map<T, Iterable<T>> graph) Map<T, Set<T>>
Returns the transitive closure of graph. [...]