prettyUri method

String prettyUri (dynamic uri)

Returns a terse, human-readable representation of uri.

uri can be a String or a Uri. If it can be made relative to the current working directory, that's done. Otherwise, it's returned as-is. This gracefully handles non-file: URIs for Style.posix and

The returned value is meant for human consumption, and may be either URI- or path-formatted.

var context = new Context(current: '/root/path');
context.prettyUri('file:///root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> 'a/b.dart'
context.prettyUri(''); // -> ''

// Windows
var context = new Context(current: r'C:\root\path');
context.prettyUri('file:///C:/root/path/a/b.dart'); // -> r'a\b.dart'
context.prettyUri(''); // -> ''

// URL
var context = new Context(current: '');
    // -> r'a/b.dart'
context.prettyUri('file:///root/path'); // -> 'file:///root/path'


String prettyUri(uri) {
  var typedUri = _parseUri(uri);
  if (typedUri.scheme == 'file' && style == Style.url) {
    return typedUri.toString();
  } else if (typedUri.scheme != 'file' &&
      typedUri.scheme != '' &&
      style != Style.url) {
    return typedUri.toString();

  var path = normalize(fromUri(typedUri));
  var rel = relative(path);

  // Only return a relative path if it's actually shorter than the absolute
  // path. This avoids ugly things like long "../" chains to get to the root
  // and then go back down.
  return split(rel).length > split(path).length ? path : rel;