difference method

VersionConstraint difference (VersionConstraint other)

Returns a VersionConstraint that allows Versions allowed by this but not other.


VersionConstraint difference(VersionConstraint other) {
  var ourRanges = ranges.iterator;
  var theirRanges = _rangesFor(other).iterator;

  var newRanges = <VersionRange>[];
  var current = ourRanges.current;

  theirNextRange() {
    if (theirRanges.moveNext()) return true;

    // If there are no more of their ranges, none of the rest of our ranges
    // need to be subtracted so we can add them as-is.
    while (ourRanges.moveNext()) {
    return false;

  ourNextRange({bool includeCurrent: true}) {
    if (includeCurrent) newRanges.add(current);
    if (!ourRanges.moveNext()) return false;
    current = ourRanges.current;
    return true;

  while (true) {
    // If the current ranges are disjoint, move the lowest one forward.
    if (strictlyLower(theirRanges.current, current)) {
      if (!theirNextRange()) break;

    if (strictlyHigher(theirRanges.current, current)) {
      if (!ourNextRange()) break;

    // If we're here, we know [theirRanges.current] overlaps [current].
    var difference = current.difference(theirRanges.current);
    if (difference is VersionUnion) {
      // If their range split [current] in half, we only need to continue
      // checking future ranges against the latter half.
      assert(difference.ranges.length == 2);
      current = difference.ranges.last;

      // Since their range split [current], it definitely doesn't allow higher
      // versions, so we should move their ranges forward.
      if (!theirNextRange()) break;
    } else if (difference.isEmpty) {
      if (!ourNextRange(includeCurrent: false)) break;
    } else {
      current = difference as VersionRange;

      // Move the constraint with the lower max value forward. This ensures
      // that we keep both lists in sync as much as possible, and that large
      // ranges have a chance to subtract or be subtracted by multiple small
      // ranges that they contain.
      if (allowsHigher(current, theirRanges.current)) {
        if (!theirNextRange()) break;
      } else {
        if (!ourNextRange()) break;

  if (newRanges.isEmpty) return VersionConstraint.empty;
  if (newRanges.length == 1) return newRanges.single;
  return new VersionUnion.fromRanges(newRanges);