SourceLocation constructor

SourceLocation(int offset, { dynamic sourceUrl, int line, int column })

Creates a new location indicating offset within sourceUrl.

line and column default to assuming the source is a single line. This means that line defaults to 0 and column defaults to offset.

sourceUrl may be either a String, a Uri, or null.


SourceLocation(int offset, {sourceUrl, int line, int column})
    : sourceUrl = sourceUrl is String ? Uri.parse(sourceUrl) : sourceUrl,
      offset = offset,
      line = line == null ? 0 : line,
      column = column == null ? offset : column {
  if (offset < 0) {
    throw new RangeError("Offset may not be negative, was $offset.");
  } else if (line != null && line < 0) {
    throw new RangeError("Line may not be negative, was $line.");
  } else if (column != null && column < 0) {
    throw new RangeError("Column may not be negative, was $column.");