Frame.parseVM constructor

Frame.parseVM(String frame)

Parses a string representation of a Dart VM stack frame.


factory Frame.parseVM(String frame) => _catchFormatException(frame, () {
      // The VM sometimes folds multiple stack frames together and replaces them
      // with "...".
      if (frame == '...') {
        return new Frame(new Uri(), null, null, '...');

      var match = _vmFrame.firstMatch(frame);
      if (match == null) return new UnparsedFrame(frame);

      // Get the pieces out of the regexp match. Function, URI and line should
      // always be found. The column is optional.
      var member = match[1]
          .replaceAll(_asyncBody, "<async>")
          .replaceAll("<anonymous closure>", "<fn>");
      var uri = Uri.parse(match[2]);

      var lineAndColumn = match[3].split(':');
      var line =
          lineAndColumn.length > 1 ? int.parse(lineAndColumn[1]) : null;
      var column =
          lineAndColumn.length > 2 ? int.parse(lineAndColumn[2]) : null;
      return new Frame(uri, line, column, member);