Trace.current constructor

Trace.current([int level = 0 ])

Returns the current stack trace.

By default, the first frame of this trace will be the line where Trace.current is called. If level is passed, the trace will start that many frames up instead.


factory Trace.current([int level = 0]) {
  if (level < 0) {
    throw new ArgumentError("Argument [level] must be greater than or equal "
        "to 0.");

  var trace = new Trace.from(StackTrace.current);
  return new LazyTrace(() {
    // JS includes a frame for the call to StackTrace.current, but the VM
    // doesn't, so we skip an extra frame in a JS context.
    return new Trace(trace.frames.skip(level + (inJS ? 2 : 1)),
        original: trace.original.toString());