expectAsyncUntil function

  1. @Deprecated("Will be removed in 0.13.0")
Function expectAsyncUntil (Function callback, bool isDone(), { String id, String reason })

This function is deprecated because it doesn't work well with strong mode. Use expectAsyncUntil0, expectAsyncUntil1, expectAsyncUntil2, expectAsyncUntil3, expectAsyncUntil4, expectAsyncUntil5, or expectAsyncUntil6 instead.


@Deprecated("Will be removed in 0.13.0")
Function expectAsyncUntil(Function callback, bool isDone(),
    {String id, String reason}) {
  if (Invoker.current == null) {
    throw StateError("expectAsyncUntil() may only be called within a test.");

  return _ExpectedFunction(callback, 0, -1,
          id: id, reason: reason, isDone: isDone)