compareTo method

RenderComparison compareTo (TextSpan other)

Describe the difference between this text span and another, in terms of how much damage it will make to the rendering. The comparison is deep.

See also:


RenderComparison compareTo(TextSpan other) {
  if (identical(this, other))
    return RenderComparison.identical;
  if (other.text != text ||
      children?.length != other.children?.length ||
      (style == null) != ( == null))
    return RenderComparison.layout;
  RenderComparison result = recognizer == other.recognizer ? RenderComparison.identical : RenderComparison.metadata;
  if (style != null) {
    final RenderComparison candidate = style.compareTo(;
    if (candidate.index > result.index)
      result = candidate;
    if (result == RenderComparison.layout)
      return result;
  if (children != null) {
    for (int index = 0; index < children.length; index += 1) {
      final RenderComparison candidate = children[index].compareTo(other.children[index]);
      if (candidate.index > result.index)
        result = candidate;
      if (result == RenderComparison.layout)
        return result;
  return result;