RenderTable constructor

RenderTable({int columns, int rows, Map<int, TableColumnWidth> columnWidths, TableColumnWidth defaultColumnWidth: const FlexColumnWidth(1.0), @required TextDirection textDirection, TableBorder border, List<Decoration> rowDecorations, ImageConfiguration configuration: ImageConfiguration.empty, TableCellVerticalAlignment defaultVerticalAlignment:, TextBaseline textBaseline, List<List<RenderBox>> children })

Creates a table render object.

  • columns must either be null or non-negative. If columns is null, the number of columns will be inferred from length of the first sublist of children.
  • rows must either be null or non-negative. If rows is null, the number of rows will be inferred from the children. If rows is not null, then children must be null.
  • children must either be null or contain lists of all the same length. if children is not null, then rows must be null.
  • defaultColumnWidth must not be null.
  • configuration must not be null (but has a default value).


  int columns,
  int rows,
  Map<int, TableColumnWidth> columnWidths,
  TableColumnWidth defaultColumnWidth = const FlexColumnWidth(1.0),
  @required TextDirection textDirection,
  TableBorder border,
  List<Decoration> rowDecorations,
  ImageConfiguration configuration = ImageConfiguration.empty,
  TableCellVerticalAlignment defaultVerticalAlignment =,
  TextBaseline textBaseline,
  List<List<RenderBox>> children
}) : assert(columns == null || columns >= 0),
     assert(rows == null || rows >= 0),
     assert(rows == null || children == null),
     assert(defaultColumnWidth != null),
     assert(textDirection != null),
     assert(configuration != null),
     _textDirection = textDirection {
  _columns = columns ?? (children != null && children.isNotEmpty ? children.first.length : 0);
  _rows = rows ?? 0;
  _children = <RenderBox>[]..length = _columns * _rows;
  _columnWidths = columnWidths ?? HashMap<int, TableColumnWidth>();
  _defaultColumnWidth = defaultColumnWidth;
  _border = border;
  this.rowDecorations = rowDecorations; // must use setter to initialize box painters array
  _configuration = configuration;
  _defaultVerticalAlignment = defaultVerticalAlignment;
  _textBaseline = textBaseline;