scale method

TableBorder scale (double t)

Creates a copy of this border but with the widths scaled by the factor t.

The t argument represents the multiplicand, or the position on the timeline for an interpolation from nothing to this, with 0.0 meaning that the object returned should be the nil variant of this object, 1.0 meaning that no change should be applied, returning this (or something equivalent to this), and other values meaning that the object should be multiplied by t. Negative values are treated like zero.

Values for t are usually obtained from an Animation<double>, such as an AnimationController.

See also:


TableBorder scale(double t) {
  return TableBorder(
    top: top.scale(t),
    right: right.scale(t),
    bottom: bottom.scale(t),
    left: left.scale(t),
    horizontalInside: horizontalInside.scale(t),
    verticalInside: verticalInside.scale(t),