textInput constant

MethodChannel const textInput = const OptionalMethodChannel('flutter/textinput', const JSONMethodCodec())

A JSON MethodChannel for handling text input.

This channel exposes a system text input control for interacting with IMEs (input method editors, for example on-screen keyboards). There is one control, and at any time it can have one active transaction. Transactions are represented by an integer. New Transactions are started by TextInput.setClient. Messages that are sent are assumed to be for the current transaction (the last "client" set by TextInput.setClient). Messages received from the shell side specify the transaction to which they apply, so that stale messages referencing past transactions can be ignored.

The methods described below are wrapped in a more convenient form by the TextInput and TextInputConnection class.

The following outgoing methods are defined for this channel (invoked using OptionalMethodChannel.invokeMethod):

  • TextInput.setClient: Establishes a new transaction. The arguments is a List whose first value is an integer representing a previously unused transaction identifier, and the second is a String with a JSON-encoded object with five keys, as obtained from TextInputConfiguration.toJSON. This method must be invoked before any others (except TextInput.hide). See TextInput.attach.

  • TextInput.show: Show the keyboard. See TextInputConnection.show.

  • TextInput.setEditingState: Update the value in the text editing control. The argument is a String with a JSON-encoded object with seven keys, as obtained from TextEditingValue.toJSON. See TextInputConnection.setEditingState.

  • TextInput.clearClient: End the current transaction. The next method called must be TextInput.setClient (or TextInput.hide). See TextInputConnection.close.

  • TextInput.hide: Hide the keyboard. Unlike the other methods, this can be called at any time. See TextInputConnection.close.

The following incoming methods are defined for this channel (registered using MethodChannel.setMethodCallHandler). In each case, the first argument is a transaction identifier. Calls for stale transactions should be ignored.

  • TextInputClient.updateEditingState: The user has changed the contents of the text control. The second argument is a String containing a JSON-encoded object with seven keys, in the form expected by new TextEditingValue.fromJSON.

  • TextInputClient.performAction: The user has triggered an action. The second argument is a String consisting of the stringification of one of the values of the TextInputAction enum.

Calls to methods that are not implemented on the shell side are ignored (so it is safe to call methods when the relevant plugin might be missing).


static const MethodChannel textInput = OptionalMethodChannel(