services library
Platform services exposed to Flutter apps.
To use, import package:flutter/services.dart
This library depends only on core Dart libraries and the foundation
- AndroidMotionEvent
- A Dart version of Android's MotionEvent.
- AndroidPointerCoords
- Position information for an Android pointer. [...]
- AndroidPointerProperties
- Properties of an Android pointer. [...]
- AndroidViewController
- Controls an Android view. [...]
- ApplicationSwitcherDescription
- Specifies a description of the application that is pertinent to the embedder's application switcher (also known as "recent tasks") user interface. [...]
- AssetBundle
- A collection of resources used by the application. [...]
T> - A named channel for communicating with platform plugins using asynchronous message passing. [...]
- BinaryCodec
- MessageCodec with unencoded binary messages represented using ByteData. [...]
- BinaryMessages
- Sends binary messages to and receives binary messages from platform plugins. [...]
- BlacklistingTextInputFormatter
- A TextInputFormatter that prevents the insertion of blacklisted characters patterns. [...]
- ByteData
- A fixed-length, random-access sequence of bytes that also provides random and unaligned access to the fixed-width integers and floating point numbers represented by those bytes. [...]
- CachingAssetBundle
- An AssetBundle that permanently caches string and structured resources that have been fetched. [...]
- Clipboard
- Utility methods for interacting with the system's clipboard.
- ClipboardData
- Data stored on the system clipboard. [...]
- EventChannel
- A named channel for communicating with platform plugins using event streams. [...]
- FontLoader
- A class that enables the dynamic loading of fonts at runtime. [...]
- HapticFeedback
- Allows access to the haptic feedback interface on the device. [...]
- JSONMessageCodec
- MessageCodec with UTF-8 encoded JSON messages. [...]
- JSONMethodCodec
- MethodCodec with UTF-8 encoded JSON method calls and result envelopes. [...]
- LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter
- A TextInputFormatter that prevents the insertion of more characters (currently defined as Unicode scalar values) than allowed. [...]
T> - A message encoding/decoding mechanism. [...]
- MethodCall
- An command object representing the invocation of a named method.
- MethodChannel
- A named channel for communicating with platform plugins using asynchronous method calls. [...]
- MethodCodec
- A codec for method calls and enveloped results. [...]
- NetworkAssetBundle
- An AssetBundle that loads resources over the network. [...]
- OptionalMethodChannel
- A MethodChannel that ignores missing platform plugins. [...]
- PlatformAssetBundle
- An AssetBundle that loads resources using platform messages.
- PlatformViewsRegistry
- A registry responsible for generating unique identifier for platform views. [...]
- PlatformViewsService
- Provides access to the platform views service. [...]
- RawKeyboard
- An interface for listening to raw key events. [...]
- RawKeyDownEvent
- The user has pressed a key on the keyboard. [...]
- RawKeyEvent
- Base class for raw key events. [...]
- RawKeyEventData
- Base class for platform specific key event data. [...]
- RawKeyEventDataAndroid
- Platform-specific key event data for Android. [...]
- RawKeyEventDataFuchsia
- Platform-specific key event data for Fuchsia. [...]
- RawKeyUpEvent
- The user has released a key on the keyboard. [...]
- StandardMessageCodec
- MessageCodec using the Flutter standard binary encoding. [...]
- StandardMethodCodec
- MethodCodec using the Flutter standard binary encoding. [...]
- StringCodec
- MessageCodec with UTF-8 encoded String messages. [...]
- SystemChannels
- Platform channels used by the Flutter system.
- SystemChrome
- Controls specific aspects of the operating system's graphical interface and how it interacts with the application.
- Controls specific aspects of the system navigation stack.
- SystemSound
- Provides access to the library of short system specific sounds for common tasks.
- SystemUiOverlayStyle
- Specifies a preference for the style of the system overlays. [...]
- TextEditingValue
- The current text, selection, and composing state for editing a run of text.
- TextInput
- An interface to the system's text input control.
- TextInputClient
- An interface to receive information from TextInput. [...]
- TextInputConfiguration
- Controls the visual appearance of the text input control. [...]
- TextInputConnection
- An interface for interacting with a text input control. [...]
- TextInputFormatter
- A TextInputFormatter can be optionally injected into an EditableText to provide as-you-type validation and formatting of the text being edited. [...]
- TextInputType
- The type of information for which to optimize the text input control. [...]
- TextPosition
- A visual position in a string of text.
- TextRange
- A range of characters in a string of text.
- TextSelection
- A range of text that represents a selection.
- TextSelectionDelegate
- An interface for manipulating the selection, to be used by the implementor of the toolbar widget.
- UiKitViewController
- Controls an iOS UIView. [...]
- WhitelistingTextInputFormatter
- A TextInputFormatter that allows only the insertion of whitelisted characters patterns. [...]
- ServicesBinding
- Listens for platform messages and directs them to BinaryMessages. [...]
- platformViewsRegistry → PlatformViewsRegistry
The PlatformViewsRegistry responsible for generating unique identifiers for platform views.
- rootBundle → AssetBundle
The AssetBundle from which this application was loaded. [...]
- Brightness
- Describes the contrast needs of a color.
- DeviceOrientation
- Specifies a particular device orientation. [...]
- SystemSoundType
- A sound provided by the system.
- SystemUiOverlay
- Specifies a system overlay at a particular location. [...]
- TextAffinity
- Whether a TextPosition is visually upstream or downstream of its offset. [...]
- TextCapitalization
- Configures how the platform keyboard will select an uppercase or lowercase keyboard. [...]
- TextInputAction
- An action the user has requested the text input control to perform. [...]
int id) → void - Callback signature for when a platform view was created. [...]
TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) → TextEditingValue - Function signature expected for creating custom TextInputFormatter shorthands via TextInputFormatter.withFunction;
Exceptions / Errors
- MissingPluginException
- Thrown to indicate that a platform interaction failed to find a handling plugin. [...]
- PlatformException
- Thrown to indicate that a platform interaction failed in the platform plugin. [...]