intersectsWithPlane method

bool intersectsWithPlane (Plane other, { IntersectionResult result })

Return if this intersects with other


bool intersectsWithPlane(Plane other, {IntersectionResult result}) {
  // This line is not necessary with a (center, extents) AABB representation
  copyCenterAndHalfExtents(_aabbCenter, _aabbHalfExtents);

  // Compute the projection interval radius of b onto L(t) = b.c + t * p.n
  final double r = _aabbHalfExtents[0] * other.normal[0].abs() +
      _aabbHalfExtents[1] * other.normal[1].abs() +
      _aabbHalfExtents[2] * other.normal[2].abs();
  // Compute distance of box center from plane
  final double s = - other.constant;
  // Intersection occurs when distance s falls within [-r,+r] interval
  if (s.abs() <= r) {
    final double a = s - r;
    if (result != null && (result._depth == null || result._depth < a)) {
      result._depth = a;
    return true;

  return false;