Matrix3 class

3D Matrix. Values are stored in column major order.


Matrix3(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5, double arg6, double arg7, double arg8)
New matrix with specified values.
Matrix3.columns(Vector3 arg0, Vector3 arg1, Vector3 arg2)
Constructs a new mat3 from columns.
Matrix3.copy(Matrix3 other)
Copes values from other.
Matrix3.fromList(List<double> values)
New matrix from values.
Identity matrix.
Matrix3.outer(Vector3 u, Vector3 v)
Outer product of u and v.
Matrix3.rotationX(double radians)
Rotation of radians_ around X axis.
Matrix3.rotationY(double radians)
Rotation of radians_ around Y axis.
Matrix3.rotationZ(double radians)
Rotation of radians_ around Z axis.
Constructs a new Matrix3 filled with zeros.


dimension int
Dimension of the matrix.
forward Vector3
hashCode int
The hash code for this object. [...]
read-only, override
row0 Vector3
Returns row 0
read / write
row1 Vector3
Returns row 1
read / write
row2 Vector3
Returns row 2
read / write
storage Float32List
The components of the matrix.
up Vector3
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


absolute() Matrix3
Returns the component wise absolute value of this.
absoluteError(Matrix3 correct) double
Returns absolute error between this and correct
absoluteRotate(Vector3 arg) Vector3
Rotates arg by the absolute rotation of this Returns arg. Primarily used by AABB transformation code.
absoluteRotate2(Vector2 arg) Vector2
Rotates arg by the absolute rotation of this Returns arg. Primarily used by AABB transformation code.
add(Matrix3 o) → void
Add o to this.
applyToVector3Array(List<double> array, [ int offset = 0 ]) List<double>
Multiply this to each set of xyz values in array starting at offset.
clone() Matrix3
Clone of this.
copyFromArray(List<double> array, [ int offset = 0 ]) → void
Copies elements from array into this starting at offset.
copyInto(Matrix3 arg) Matrix3
Copy this into arg.
copyIntoArray(List<num> array, [ int offset = 0 ]) → void
Copies this into array starting at offset.
copyInverse(Matrix3 arg) double
Set this matrix to be the inverse of arg
copyNormalMatrix(Matrix4 arg) → void
Set this matrix to be the normal matrix of arg.
determinant() double
Returns the determinant of this matrix.
dotColumn(int j, Vector3 v) double
Returns the dot product of column j and v.
dotRow(int i, Vector3 v) double
Returns the dot product of row i and v.
entry(int row, int col) double
Value at row, col.
getColumn(int column) Vector3
Gets the column of the matrix
getRow(int row) Vector3
Gets the row of the matrix
index(int row, int col) int
Return index in storage for row, col value.
infinityNorm() double
Returns infinity norm of the matrix. Used for numerical analysis.
invert() double
Invert the matrix. Returns the determinant.
isIdentity() bool
Is this the identity matrix?
isZero() bool
Is this the zero matrix?
multiplied(Matrix3 arg) Matrix3
Create a copy of this and multiply it by arg.
multiply(Matrix3 arg) → void
Multiply this by arg.
multiplyTranspose(Matrix3 arg) → void
negate() → void
Negate this.
relativeError(Matrix3 correct) double
Returns relative error between this and correct
scale(double scale) → void
Scales this by scale.
scaleAdjoint(double scale) → void
Converts into Adjugate matrix and scales by scale
scaled(double scale) Matrix3
Create a copy of this and scale it by scale.
setColumn(int column, Vector3 arg) → void
Assigns the column of the matrix arg
setColumns(Vector3 arg0, Vector3 arg1, Vector3 arg2) → void
Sets the entire matrix to the column values.
setDiagonal(Vector3 arg) → void
Set the diagonal of the matrix.
setEntry(int row, int col, double v) → void
Set value at row, col to be v.
setFrom(Matrix3 arg) → void
Sets the entire matrix to the matrix in arg.
setIdentity() → void
Makes this into the identity matrix.
setOuter(Vector3 u, Vector3 v) → void
Set this to the outer product of u and v.
setRotationX(double radians) → void
Turns the matrix into a rotation of radians around X
setRotationY(double radians) → void
Turns the matrix into a rotation of radians around Y
setRotationZ(double radians) → void
Turns the matrix into a rotation of radians around Z
setRow(int row, Vector3 arg) → void
Assigns the row of to arg.
setUpper2x2(Matrix2 arg) → void
Sets the upper 2x2 of the matrix to be arg.
setValues(double arg0, double arg1, double arg2, double arg3, double arg4, double arg5, double arg6, double arg7, double arg8) → void
Sets the matrix with specified values.
setZero() → void
Zeros this.
splatDiagonal(double arg) → void
Set the diagonal of the matrix.
sub(Matrix3 o) → void
Subtract o from this.
toString() String
Returns a printable string
trace() double
Returns the trace of the matrix. The trace of a matrix is the sum of the diagonal entries.
transform(Vector3 arg) Vector3
Transform arg of type Vector3 using the transformation defined by this.
transform2(Vector2 arg) Vector2
Transforms arg with this.
transformed(Vector3 arg, [ Vector3 out ]) Vector3
Transform a copy of arg of type Vector3 using the transformation defined by this. If a out parameter is supplied, the copy is stored in out.
transpose() → void
Transpose this.
transposed() Matrix3
Returns the tranpose of this.
transposeMultiply(Matrix3 arg) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed. [...]


operator *(dynamic arg) → dynamic
Returns a new vector or matrix by multiplying this with arg.
operator +(Matrix3 arg) Matrix3
Returns new matrix after component wise this + arg
operator -(Matrix3 arg) Matrix3
Returns new matrix after component wise this - arg
operator ==(Object other) bool
Check if two matrices are the same.
operator [](int i) double
Access the element of the matrix at the index i.
operator []=(int i, double v) → void
Set the element of the matrix at the index i.
operator unary-() Matrix3
Returns new matrix -this

Static Methods

solve(Matrix3 A, Vector3 x, Vector3 b) → void
Solve A * x = b.
solve2(Matrix3 A, Vector2 x, Vector2 b) → void
Solve A * x = b.