MediaQuery.removePadding constructor

MediaQuery.removePadding({Key key, @required BuildContext context, bool removeLeft: false, bool removeTop: false, bool removeRight: false, bool removeBottom: false, @required Widget child })

Creates a new MediaQuery that inherits from the ambient MediaQuery from the given context, but removes the specified paddings.

This should be inserted into the widget tree when the MediaQuery padding is consumed by a widget in such a way that the padding is no longer exposed to the widget's descendants or siblings.

The context argument is required, must not be null, and must have a MediaQuery in scope.

The removeLeft, removeTop, removeRight, and removeBottom arguments must not be null. If all four are false (the default) then the returned MediaQuery reuses the ambient MediaQueryData unmodified, which is not particularly useful.

The child argument is required and must not be null.

See also:


factory MediaQuery.removePadding({
  Key key,
  @required BuildContext context,
  bool removeLeft = false,
  bool removeTop = false,
  bool removeRight = false,
  bool removeBottom = false,
  @required Widget child,
}) {
  return MediaQuery(
    key: key,
    data: MediaQuery.of(context).removePadding(
      removeLeft: removeLeft,
      removeTop: removeTop,
      removeRight: removeRight,
      removeBottom: removeBottom,
    child: child,