copyWith method
Creates a copy of this media query data but with the given fields replaced with the new values.
MediaQueryData copyWith({
Size size,
double devicePixelRatio,
double textScaleFactor,
EdgeInsets padding,
EdgeInsets viewInsets,
bool alwaysUse24HourFormat,
bool disableAnimations,
bool invertColors,
bool accessibleNavigation,
bool boldText,
}) {
return MediaQueryData(
size: size ?? this.size,
devicePixelRatio: devicePixelRatio ?? this.devicePixelRatio,
textScaleFactor: textScaleFactor ?? this.textScaleFactor,
padding: padding ?? this.padding,
viewInsets: viewInsets ?? this.viewInsets,
alwaysUse24HourFormat: alwaysUse24HourFormat ?? this.alwaysUse24HourFormat,
invertColors: invertColors ?? this.invertColors,
disableAnimations: disableAnimations ?? this.disableAnimations,
accessibleNavigation: accessibleNavigation ?? this.accessibleNavigation,
boldText: boldText ?? this.boldText,