RenderNestedScrollViewViewport constructor

RenderNestedScrollViewViewport({AxisDirection axisDirection: AxisDirection.down, @required AxisDirection crossAxisDirection, @required ViewportOffset offset, double anchor: 0.0, List<RenderSliver> children, RenderSliver center, @required SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle })

Create a variant of RenderViewport that has a SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle.

The handle must not be null.


  AxisDirection axisDirection = AxisDirection.down,
  @required AxisDirection crossAxisDirection,
  @required ViewportOffset offset,
  double anchor = 0.0,
  List<RenderSliver> children,
  RenderSliver center,
  @required SliverOverlapAbsorberHandle handle,
}) : assert(handle != null),
     _handle = handle,
       axisDirection: axisDirection,
       crossAxisDirection: crossAxisDirection,
       offset: offset,
       anchor: anchor,
       children: children,
       center: center,