build method

  1. @override
Widget build (BuildContext context)

Override this method to build widgets that depend on the state of the listenable (e.g., the current value of the animation).


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  AlignmentDirectional alignment;
  if (axis == Axis.vertical)
    alignment = AlignmentDirectional(-1.0, axisAlignment);
    alignment = AlignmentDirectional(axisAlignment, -1.0);
  return ClipRect(
    child: Align(
      alignment: alignment,
      heightFactor: axis == Axis.vertical ? math.max(sizeFactor.value, 0.0) : null,
      widthFactor: axis == Axis.horizontal ? math.max(sizeFactor.value, 0.0) : null,
      child: child,