build method
- @override
Returns the child with the given index.
Should return null if asked to build a widget with a greater index than exists. If this returns null, estimatedChildCount must subsequently return a precise non-null value.
Subclasses typically override this function and wrap their children in AutomaticKeepAlive and RepaintBoundary widgets.
Widget build(BuildContext context, int index) {
assert(builder != null);
if (index < 0 || (childCount != null && index >= childCount))
return null;
Widget child;
try {
child = builder(context, index);
} catch (exception, stackTrace) {
child = _createErrorWidget(exception, stackTrace);
if (child == null)
return null;
if (addRepaintBoundaries)
child = RepaintBoundary.wrap(child, index);
if (addSemanticIndexes) {
final int semanticIndex = semanticIndexCallback(child, index);
if (semanticIndex != null)
child = IndexedSemantics(index: semanticIndex + semanticIndexOffset, child: child);
if (addAutomaticKeepAlives)
child = AutomaticKeepAlive(child: child);
return child;