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Module: lib.display

Various display related classes.

Authors : MinRK, gregcaporaso, dannystaple

7 Classes

class IPython.lib.display.Audio(data=None, filename=None, url=None, embed=None, rate=None, autoplay=False)

Bases: IPython.core.display.DisplayObject

Create an audio object.

When this object is returned by an input cell or passed to the display function, it will result in Audio controls being displayed in the frontend (only works in the notebook).


data : numpy array, list, unicode, str or bytes

Can be a * Numpy 1d array containing the desired waveform (mono) * List of float or integer representing the waveform (mono) * String containing the filename * Bytestring containing raw PCM data or * URL pointing to a file on the web.

If the array option is used the waveform will be normalized.

If a filename or url is used the format support will be browser dependent.

url : unicode

A URL to download the data from.

filename : unicode

Path to a local file to load the data from.

embed : boolean

Should the image data be embedded using a data URI (True) or should the original source be referenced. Set this to True if you want the audio to playable later with no internet connection in the notebook.

Default is True, unless the keyword argument url is set, then default value is False.

rate : integer

The sampling rate of the raw data. Only required when data parameter is being used as an array

autoplay : bool

Set to True if the audio should immediately start playing. Default is False.


# Generate a sound
import numpy as np
framerate = 44100
t = np.linspace(0,5,framerate*5)
data = np.sin(2*np.pi*220*t) + np.sin(2*np.pi*224*t))

Audio("http://www.nch.com.au/acm/8k16bitpcm.wav")  # From URL

Audio('/path/to/sound.wav')  # From file

Audio(b'RAW_WAV_DATA..)  # From bytes
__init__(data=None, filename=None, url=None, embed=None, rate=None, autoplay=False)

Reload the raw data from file or URL.

class IPython.lib.display.IFrame(src, width, height, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Generic class to embed an iframe in an IPython notebook

__init__(src, width, height, **kwargs)
class IPython.lib.display.YouTubeVideo(id, width=400, height=300, **kwargs)

Bases: IPython.lib.display.IFrame

Class for embedding a YouTube Video in an IPython session, based on its video id.

e.g. to embed the video from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foo , you would do:

vid = YouTubeVideo("foo")

To start from 30 seconds:

vid = YouTubeVideo("abc", start=30)

To calculate seconds from time as hours, minutes, seconds use datetime.timedelta:

start=int(timedelta(hours=1, minutes=46, seconds=40).total_seconds())

Other parameters can be provided as documented at https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters#parameter-subheader

__init__(id, width=400, height=300, **kwargs)
class IPython.lib.display.VimeoVideo(id, width=400, height=300, **kwargs)

Bases: IPython.lib.display.IFrame

Class for embedding a Vimeo video in an IPython session, based on its video id.

__init__(id, width=400, height=300, **kwargs)
class IPython.lib.display.ScribdDocument(id, width=400, height=300, **kwargs)

Bases: IPython.lib.display.IFrame

Class for embedding a Scribd document in an IPython session

Use the start_page params to specify a starting point in the document Use the view_mode params to specify display type one off scroll | slideshow | book

e.g to Display Wes’ foundational paper about PANDAS in book mode from page 3

ScribdDocument(71048089, width=800, height=400, start_page=3, view_mode=”book”)

__init__(id, width=400, height=300, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Class for embedding a local file link in an IPython session, based on path

e.g. to embed a link that was generated in the IPython notebook as my/data.txt

you would do:

local_file = FileLink("my/data.txt")

or in the HTML notebook, just:

__init__(path, url_prefix='', result_html_prefix='', result_html_suffix='<br>')

path : str

path to the file or directory that should be formatted

directory_prefix : str

prefix to be prepended to all files to form a working link [default: ‘files’]

result_html_prefix : str

text to append to beginning to link [default: none]

result_html_suffix : str

text to append at the end of link [default: ‘<br>’]

Bases: IPython.lib.display.FileLink

Class for embedding local file links in an IPython session, based on path

e.g. to embed links to files that were generated in the IPython notebook under my/data, you would do:

local_files = FileLinks("my/data")

or in the HTML notebook, just:

__init__(path, url_prefix='', included_suffixes=None, result_html_prefix='', result_html_suffix='<br>', notebook_display_formatter=None, terminal_display_formatter=None)

See FileLink for the path, url_prefix, result_html_prefix and result_html_suffix parameters.

included_suffixes : list
Filename suffixes to include when formatting output [default: include all files]
notebook_display_formatter : function
Used to format links for display in the notebook. See discussion of formatter functions below.
terminal_display_formatter : function
Used to format links for display in the terminal. See discussion of formatter functions below.

Formatter functions must be of the form:

f(dirname, fnames, included_suffixes)
dirname : str
The name of a directory
fnames : list
The files in that directory
included_suffixes : list
The file suffixes that should be included in the output (passing None meansto include all suffixes in the output in the built-in formatters)

The function should return a list of lines that will be printed in the notebook (if passing notebook_display_formatter) or the terminal (if passing terminal_display_formatter). This function is iterated over for each directory in self.path. Default formatters are in place, can be passed here to support alternative formatting.