A navigable completer for the qtconsole
Bases: object
a bound interval that follows a cursor
internally used to scoll the completion view when the cursor try to go beyond the edges, and show ‘...’ when rows are hidden
Create a new bounded interval
any value return by this will be bound between maximum and minimum. usual width will be ‘width’, and sticky_length set when the return interval should expand to max and min
current cursor position
begiiing of interval to show
end of interval to show
Bases: PySide.QtGui.QWidget
A widget for tab completion, navigable by arrow keys
Create a completion widget that is attached to the specified Qt text edit widget.
Cancel the completion
should be called when the completer have to be dismissed
This reset internal variable, clearing the temporary buffer of the console where the completion are shown.
Reimplemented to handle keyboard input and to auto-hide when the text edit loses focus.
move cursor down
move cursor left
move cursor right
move cursor up
Shows the completion widget with ‘items’ at the position specified by ‘cursor’.