Returns the ID of a symmetric key in the current database.
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions
Key_ID ( 'Key_Name' )
’ Key_Name ’
The name of a symmetric key in the database.
The name of a temporary key must start with a number sign (#).
Because temporary keys are only available in the session in which they are created, no permissions are required to access them. To access a key that is not temporary, the caller needs some permission on the key and must not have been denied VIEW permission on the key.
The following example returns the ID of a key called ABerglundKey1
SELECT KEY_ID('ABerglundKey1');
The following example returns the ID of a temporary symmetric key. Note that #
is prepended to the key name.
SELECT KEY_ID('#ABerglundKey2');
KEY_GUID (Transact-SQL)
sys.symmetric_keys (Transact-SQL)
sys.key_encryptions (Transact-SQL)
Encryption Hierarchy