MONTH (Transact-SQL)

**APPLIES TO:** ![yes](media/yes.png)SQL Server (starting with 2008) ![yes](media/yes.png)Azure SQL Database ![yes](media/yes.png)Azure SQL Data Warehouse ![yes](media/yes.png)Parallel Data Warehouse

Returns an integer that represents the month of the specified date.

For an overview of all Transact\-SQL date and time data types and functions, seeDate and Time Data Types and Functions (Transact-SQL).

Topic link icon Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions


MONTH ( date )  


Is an expression that can be resolved to a time, date, smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2, or datetimeoffset value. The date argument can be an expression, column expression, user-defined variable, or string literal.

Return Type


Return Value

MONTH returns the same value as DATEPART (month, date).

If date contains only a time part, the return value is 1, the base month.


The following statement returns 4. This is the number of the month.

SELECT MONTH('2007-04-30T01:01:01.1234567 -07:00');  

The following statement returns 1900, 1, 1. The argument for date is the number 0. SQL Server interprets 0 as January 1, 1900.


Examples: [!INCLUDEssSDWfull] and [!INCLUDEssPDW]

The following example returns 4. This is the number of the month.

-- Uses AdventureWorks  
SELECT TOP 1 MONTH('2007-04-30T01:01:01.1234')   
FROM dbo.DimCustomer;  

The following example returns 1900, 1, 1. The argument for date is the number 0. SQL Server interprets 0 as January 1, 1900.

-- Uses AdventureWorks  
SELECT TOP 1 YEAR(0), MONTH(0), DAY(0) FROM dbo.DimCustomer;  

See Also

CAST and CONVERT (Transact-SQL)