Returns property information about the server instance.
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions
SERVERPROPERTY ( 'propertyname' )
Is an expression that contains the property information to be returned for the server. propertyname can be one of the following values.
Property | Values returned |
BuildClrVersion | Version of the [!INCLUDEmsCoName][!INCLUDEdnprdnshort] common language runtime (CLR) that was used while building the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion]. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
Collation | Name of the default collation for the server. NULL = Input is not valid, or an error. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
CollationID | ID of the [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] collation. Base data type: int |
ComparisonStyle | Windows comparison style of the collation. Base data type: int |
ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS | NetBIOS name of the local computer on which the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] is currently running. For a clustered instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] on a failover cluster, this value changes as the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] fails over to other nodes in the failover cluster. On a stand-alone instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion], this value remains constant and returns the same value as the MachineName property. Note: If the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] is in a failover cluster and you want to obtain the name of the failover clustered instance, use the MachineName property. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
Edition | Installed product edition of the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion]. Use the value of this property to determine the features and the limits, such as Compute Capacity Limits by Edition of SQL Server. 64-bit versions of the [!INCLUDEssDE] append (64-bit) to the version. Returns: ‘Enterprise Edition’ ‘Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing’ ‘Enterprise Evaluation Edition’ ‘Business Intelligence Edition’ ‘Developer Edition’ ‘Express Edition’ ‘Express Edition with Advanced Services’ ‘Standard Edition’ ‘Web Edition’ ‘SQL Azure’ indicates [!INCLUDEssSDS] or [!INCLUDEssDW] Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
EditionID | EditionID represents the installed product edition of the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion]. Use the value of this property to determine features and limits, such as Compute Capacity Limits by Edition of SQL Server. 1804890536 = Enterprise 1872460670 = Enterprise Edition: Core-based Licensing 610778273= Enterprise Evaluation 284895786 = Business Intelligence -2117995310 = Developer -1592396055 = Express -133711905= Express with Advanced Services -1534726760 = Standard 1293598313 = Web 1674378470 = SQL Database or SQL Data Warehouse Base data type: bigint |
EngineEdition | [!INCLUDEssDE] edition of the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] installed on the server. 1 = Personal or Desktop Engine (Not available in [!INCLUDEssVersion2005] and later versions.) 2 = Standard (This is returned for Standard, Web, and Business Intelligence.) 3 = Enterprise (This is returned for Evaluation, Developer, and both Enterprise editions.) 4 = Express (This is returned for Express, Express with Tools and Express with Advanced Services) 5 = [!INCLUDEssSDS] 6 - [!INCLUDEssDW] 8 = Managed Instance Base data type: int |
HadrManagerStatus | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through [!INCLUDEssCurrent]. Indicates whether the [!INCLUDEssHADR] manager has started. 0 = Not started, pending communication. 1 = Started and running. 2 = Not started and failed. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. |
InstanceDefaultDataPath | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through current version in updates beginning in late 2015. Name of the default path to the instance data files. |
InstanceDefaultLogPath | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through current version in updates beginning in late 2015. Name of the default path to the instance log files. |
InstanceName | Name of the instance to which the user is connected. Returns NULL if the instance name is the default instance, if the input is not valid, or error. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
IsAdvancedAnalyticsInstalled | Returns 1 if the Advanced Analytics feature was installed during setup; 0 if Advanced Analytics was not installed. |
IsClustered | Server instance is configured in a failover cluster. 1 = Clustered. 0 = Not Clustered. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: int |
IsFullTextInstalled | The full-text and semantic indexing components are installed on the current instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion]. 1 = Full-text and semantic indexing components are installed. 0 = Full-text and semantic indexing components are not installed. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: int |
IsHadrEnabled | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through [!INCLUDEssCurrent]. [!INCLUDEssHADR] is enabled on this server instance. 0 = The [!INCLUDEssHADR] feature is disabled. 1 = The [!INCLUDEssHADR] feature is enabled. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: int For availability replicas to be created and run on an instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion], [!INCLUDEssHADR] must be enabled on the server instance. For more information, see Enable and Disable AlwaysOn Availability Groups (SQL Server). Note: The IsHadrEnabled property pertains only to [!INCLUDEssHADR]. Other high availability or disaster recovery features, such as database mirroring or log shipping, are unaffected by this server property. |
IsIntegratedSecurityOnly | Server is in integrated security mode. 1 = Integrated security (Windows Authentication) 0 = Not integrated security. (Both Windows Authentication and [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] Authentication.) NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: int |
IsLocalDB | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through [!INCLUDEssCurrent]. Server is an instance of [!INCLUDEssExpress] LocalDB. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. |
IsPolyBaseInstalled | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssCurrent]. Returns whether the server instance has the PolyBase feature installed. 0 = PolyBase is not installed. 1 = PolyBase is installed. Base data type: int |
IsSingleUser | Server is in single-user mode. 1 = Single user. 0 = Not single user NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: int |
IsXTPSupported | Applies to: SQL Server ([!INCLUDEssSQL14] through [!INCLUDEssCurrent]), [!INCLUDEssSDS]. Server supports In-Memory OLTP. 1= Server supports In-Memory OLTP. 0= Server does not supports In-Memory OLTP. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: int |
LCID | Windows locale identifier (LCID) of the collation. Base data type: int |
LicenseType | Unused. License information is not preserved or maintained by the [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] product. Always returns DISABLED. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
MachineName | Windows computer name on which the server instance is running. For a clustered instance, an instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] running on a virtual server on Microsoft Cluster Service, it returns the name of the virtual server. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
NumLicenses | Unused. License information is not preserved or maintained by the [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] product. Always returns NULL. Base data type: int |
ProcessID | Process ID of the [!INCLUDEssNoVersion] service. ProcessID is useful in identifying which Sqlservr.exe belongs to this instance. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. Base data type: int |
ProductBuild | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL14] beginning October, 2015. The build number. |
ProductBuildType | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through current version in updates beginning in late 2015. Type of build of the current build. Returns one of the following: OD = On Demand release a specific customer. GDR = General Distribution Release released through windows update. NULL = Not applicable. |
ProductLevel | Level of the version of the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion]. Returns one of the following: ‘RTM’ = Original release version ‘SPn’ = Service pack version ‘CTPn’, = Community Technology Preview version Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
ProductMajorVersion | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through current version in updates beginning in late 2015. The major version. |
ProductMinorVersion | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through current version in updates beginning in late 2015. The minor version. |
ProductUpdateLevel | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through current version in updates beginning in late 2015. Update level of the current build. CU indicates a cumulative update. Returns one of the following: CUn = Cumulative Update NULL = Not applicable. |
ProductUpdateReference | Applies to: [!INCLUDEssSQL11] through current version in updates beginning in late 2015. KB article for that release. |
ProductVersion | Version of the instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion], in the form of ‘’. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
ResourceLastUpdateDateTime | Returns the date and time that the Resource database was last updated. Base data type: datetime |
ResourceVersion | Returns the version Resource database. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
ServerName | Both the Windows server and instance information associated with a specified instance of [!INCLUDEssNoVersion]. NULL = Input is not valid, or an error. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
SqlCharSet | The SQL character set ID from the collation ID. Base data type: tinyint |
SqlCharSetName | The SQL character set name from the collation. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
SqlSortOrder | The SQL sort order ID from the collation Base data type: tinyint |
SqlSortOrderName | The SQL sort order name from the collation. Base data type: nvarchar(128) |
FilestreamShareName | The name of the share used by FILESTREAM. NULL = Input is not valid, an error, or not applicable. |
FilestreamConfiguredLevel | The configured level of FILESTREAM access. For more information, see filestream access level. |
FilestreamEffectiveLevel | The effective level of FILESTREAM access. This value can be different than the FilestreamConfiguredLevel if the level has changed and either an instance restart or a computer restart is pending. For more information, see filestream access level. |
The ServerName
property of the SERVERPROPERTY
function and [@@SERVERNAME](../../t-sql/functions/ return similar information. The ServerName
property provides the Windows server and instance name that together make up the unique server instance. [@@SERVERNAME](../../t-sql/functions/ provides the currently configured local server name.
The ServerName
property and [@@SERVERNAME](../../t-sql/functions/ return the same information if the default server name at the time of installation has not been changed. The local server name can be configured by executing the following:
EXEC sp_dropserver 'current_server_name';
EXEC sp_addserver 'new_server_name', 'local';
If the local server name has been changed from the default server name at installation time, [@@SERVERNAME](../../t-sql/functions/ returns the new name.
function returns individual properties that relate to the version information whereas the [@@VERSION](../../t-sql/functions/ function combines the output into one string. If your application requires individual property strings, you can use the SERVERPROPERTY
function to return them instead of parsing the [@@VERSION](../../t-sql/functions/ results.
We are aware of an issue where the version properties reported by SERVERPROPERTY are incorrect for Azure SQL Database. The version of the SQL Server database engine run by Azure SQL Database is always ahead of the on-premises version of SQL Server, and includes the latest security fixes. This means that the patch level is always on par with or ahead of the on-premises version of SQL Server, and that the latest features available in SQL Server are available in Azure SQL Database.To programmatically determine the engine edition, use SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(’EngineEdition’). This query will return ‘5’ for standalone databases and ‘8’ for managed instances in Azure SQL Database.
We will update the documentation once this issue is resolved.
All users can query the server properties.
The following example uses the SERVERPROPERTY
function in a SELECT
statement to return information about the current instance of SQL Server
SERVERPROPERTY('MachineName') AS ComputerName,
SERVERPROPERTY('ServerName') AS InstanceName,
SERVERPROPERTY('Edition') AS Edition,
SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS ProductVersion,
SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') AS ProductLevel;