Converts an inputdate to the corresponding datetimeoffset value in the target time zone. If inputdate is provided without offset information, the function applies the offset of the time zone assuming that inputdate value is provided in the target time zone. If inputdate is provided as a datetimeoffset value, than AT TIME ZONE clause converts it into the target time zone using time zone conversion rules.
AT TIME ZONE implementation relies on a Windows mechanism to convert datetime values across time zones.
Transact-SQL Syntax Conventions
inputdate AT TIME ZONE timezone
Is an expression that can be resolved to a smalldatetime, datetime, datetime2, or datetimeoffset value.
Name of the destination time zone. SQL Server relies on time zones that are stored in the Windows Registry. All time zones installed on the computer are stored in the following registry hive: KEY_LOCAL_MACHINENTZones. A list of installed time zones is also exposed through the sys.time_zone_info (Transact-SQL) view.
Returns the data type of datetimeoffset
The datetimeoffset value in the target time zone.
AT TIME ZONE applies specific rules for converting input values in smalldatetime, datetime and datetime2 data types, that fall into an interval that is affected by the DST change:
When the clock is set ahead then there is a gap in local time which duration depends on the duration of the clock adjustment (usually 1 hour, but it can be 30 or 45 minutes, depending on time zone). In that case, points in time that belong to this gap are converted with the offset after DST change.
Moving to DST in "Central European Standard Time" zone:
offset changes from +01:00 -> +02:00
Change occurred on March 29th, 2015 at 02:00:00.
Adjusted local time became 2015-03-29 03:00:00.
--Time before DST change has standard time offset (+01:00)
SELECT CONVERT(datetime2(0), '2015-03-29T01:01:00', 126)
AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time';
--Result: 2015-03-29 01:01:00 +01:00
Adjusted time from the "gap interval" (between 02:00 and 03:00)
is moved 1 hour ahead and presented with the summer time offset
(after the DST change)
SELECT CONVERT(datetime2(0), '2015-03-29T02:01:00', 126)
AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time';
--Result: 2015-03-29 03:01:00 +02:00
--Time after 03:00 is presented with the summer time offset (+02:00)
SELECT CONVERT(datetime2(0), '2015-03-29T03:01:00', 126)
AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time';
--Result: 2015-03-29 03:01:00 +02:00
When the clock is set back, then 2 hours of local time are overlapped onto one hour. In that case, points in time that belong to the overlapped interval are presented with the offset before the clock change:
Moving back from DST to standard time in
"Central European Standard Time" zone:
offset changes from +02:00 -> +01:00.
Change occurred on October 25th, 2015 at 03:00:00.
Adjusted local time became 2015-10-25 02:00:00
--Time before the change has DST offset (+02:00)
SELECT CONVERT(datetime2(0), '2015-10-25T01:01:00', 126)
AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time';
--Result: 2015-10-25 01:01:00 +02:00
Time from the "overlapped interval" is presented with standard time
offset (before the change)
SELECT CONVERT(datetime2(0), '2015-10-25T02:00:00', 126)
AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time';
--Result: 2015-10-25 02:00:00 +02:00
--Time after 03:00 is regularly presented with the standard time offset (+01:00)
SELECT CONVERT(datetime2(0), '2015-10-25T03:01:00', 126)
AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time';
--Result: 2015-10-25 03:01:00 +01:00
Since some information (such as timezone rules) is maintained outside of SQL Server and are subject to occasional change, the AT TIME ZONE function is classed as nondeterministic.
Use AT TIME ZONE to add offset based on time zone rules when you know that the original datetime values are provided in the same time zone:
USE AdventureWorks2016;
SELECT SalesOrderID, OrderDate,
OrderDate AT TIME ZONE 'Pacific Standard Time' AS OrderDate_TimeZonePST
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader;
The following example converts values between different time zones:
USE AdventureWorks2016;
SELECT SalesOrderID, OrderDate,
OrderDate AT TIME ZONE 'Pacific Standard Time' AS OrderDate_TimeZonePST,
OrderDate AT TIME ZONE 'Pacific Standard Time'
AT TIME ZONE 'Central European Standard Time' AS OrderDate_TimeZoneCET
FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader;
The following example selects data from a temporal table.
USE AdventureWorks2016;
DECLARE @ASOF datetimeoffset;
-- Query state of the table a month ago projecting period
-- columns as Pacific Standard Time
SELECT BusinessEntityID, PersonType, NameStyle, Title,
FirstName, MiddleName,
ValidFrom AT TIME ZONE 'Pacific Standard Time'
FROM Person.Person_Temporal
Date and Time Types
Date and Time Data Types and Functions (Transact-SQL)