40 double DbmToW (
double dbm);
74 bool Is5Ghz (
double frequency);
118 bool IsInWindow (uint16_t seq, uint16_t winstart, uint16_t winsize);
134 uint32_t
GetSize (Ptr<const Packet> packet,
const WifiMacHeader *hdr,
bool isAmpdu);
void AddWifiMacTrailer(Ptr< Packet > packet)
Add FCS trailer to a packet.
uint32_t GetRtsSize(void)
Return the total RTS size (including FCS trailer).
uint16_t ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(WifiMode mode, bool htShortGuardInterval, Time heGuardInterval)
Convert the guard interval to nanoseconds based on the wifimode.
double DbmToW(double dBm)
Convert from dBm to Watts.
bool Is2_4Ghz(double frequency)
uint32_t GetSize(Ptr< const Packet > packet, const WifiMacHeader *hdr, bool isAmpdu)
Return the total size of the packet after WifiMacHeader and FCS trailer have been added...
uint32_t GetAckSize(void)
Return the total ACK size (including FCS trailer).
void(* Time)(Time oldValue, Time newValue)
TracedValue callback signature for Time.
bool Is5Ghz(double frequency)
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
bool IsInWindow(uint16_t seq, uint16_t winstart, uint16_t winsize)
double WToDbm(double w)
Convert from Watts to dBm.
double DbToRatio(double dB)
Convert from dB to ratio.
double RatioToDb(double ratio)
Convert from ratio to dB.
uint32_t GetCtsSize(void)
Return the total CTS size (including FCS trailer).
uint32_t GetBlockAckSize(BlockAckType type)
Return the total Block ACK size (including FCS trailer).
The different block ACK policies.