Source code for _pytest.cacheprovider

merged implementation of the cache provider

the name cache was not chosen to ensure pluggy automatically
ignores the external pytest-cache
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
from collections import OrderedDict

import py
import six
import attr

import pytest
import json
import shutil

from . import paths
from .compat import _PY2 as PY2, Path

# pytest cache directory #

This directory contains data from the pytest's cache plugin,
which provides the `--lf` and `--ff` options, as well as the `cache` fixture.

**Do not** commit this to version control.

See [the docs]( for more information.

class Cache(object):
    _cachedir = attr.ib(repr=False)
    _warn = attr.ib(repr=False)

    def for_config(cls, config):
        cachedir = cls.cache_dir_from_config(config)
        if config.getoption("cacheclear") and cachedir.exists():
        return cls(cachedir, config.warn)

    def cache_dir_from_config(config):
        return paths.resolve_from_str(config.getini("cache_dir"), config.rootdir)

    def warn(self, fmt, **args):
        self._warn(code="I9", message=fmt.format(**args) if args else fmt)

[docs] def makedir(self, name): """ return a directory path object with the given name. If the directory does not yet exist, it will be created. You can use it to manage files likes e. g. store/retrieve database dumps across test sessions. :param name: must be a string not containing a ``/`` separator. Make sure the name contains your plugin or application identifiers to prevent clashes with other cache users. """ name = Path(name) if len( > 1: raise ValueError("name is not allowed to contain path separators") res = self._cachedir.joinpath("d", name) res.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) return py.path.local(res)
def _getvaluepath(self, key): return self._cachedir.joinpath("v", Path(key))
[docs] def get(self, key, default): """ return cached value for the given key. If no value was yet cached or the value cannot be read, the specified default is returned. :param key: must be a ``/`` separated value. Usually the first name is the name of your plugin or your application. :param default: must be provided in case of a cache-miss or invalid cache values. """ path = self._getvaluepath(key) try: with"r") as f: return json.load(f) except (ValueError, IOError, OSError): return default
[docs] def set(self, key, value): """ save value for the given key. :param key: must be a ``/`` separated value. Usually the first name is the name of your plugin or your application. :param value: must be of any combination of basic python types, including nested types like e. g. lists of dictionaries. """ path = self._getvaluepath(key) try: path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) except (IOError, OSError): self.warn("could not create cache path {path}", path=path) return try: f ="wb" if PY2 else "w") except (IOError, OSError): self.warn("cache could not write path {path}", path=path) else: with f: json.dump(value, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True) self._ensure_readme()
def _ensure_readme(self): if self._cachedir.is_dir(): readme_path = self._cachedir / "" if not readme_path.is_file(): readme_path.write_text(README_CONTENT) class LFPlugin(object): """ Plugin which implements the --lf (run last-failing) option """ def __init__(self, config): self.config = config active_keys = "lf", "failedfirst" = any(config.getoption(key) for key in active_keys) self.lastfailed = config.cache.get("cache/lastfailed", {}) self._previously_failed_count = None self._no_failures_behavior = self.config.getoption("last_failed_no_failures") def pytest_report_collectionfinish(self): if if not self._previously_failed_count: mode = "run {} (no recorded failures)".format( self._no_failures_behavior ) else: noun = "failure" if self._previously_failed_count == 1 else "failures" suffix = " first" if self.config.getoption("failedfirst") else "" mode = "rerun previous {count} {noun}{suffix}".format( count=self._previously_failed_count, suffix=suffix, noun=noun ) return "run-last-failure: %s" % mode def pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report): if (report.when == "call" and report.passed) or report.skipped: self.lastfailed.pop(report.nodeid, None) elif report.failed: self.lastfailed[report.nodeid] = True def pytest_collectreport(self, report): passed = report.outcome in ("passed", "skipped") if passed: if report.nodeid in self.lastfailed: self.lastfailed.pop(report.nodeid) self.lastfailed.update((item.nodeid, True) for item in report.result) else: self.lastfailed[report.nodeid] = True def pytest_collection_modifyitems(self, session, config, items): if if self.lastfailed: previously_failed = [] previously_passed = [] for item in items: if item.nodeid in self.lastfailed: previously_failed.append(item) else: previously_passed.append(item) self._previously_failed_count = len(previously_failed) if not previously_failed: # running a subset of all tests with recorded failures outside # of the set of tests currently executing return if self.config.getoption("lf"): items[:] = previously_failed config.hook.pytest_deselected(items=previously_passed) else: items[:] = previously_failed + previously_passed elif self._no_failures_behavior == "none": config.hook.pytest_deselected(items=items) items[:] = [] def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session): config = self.config if config.getoption("cacheshow") or hasattr(config, "slaveinput"): return saved_lastfailed = config.cache.get("cache/lastfailed", {}) if saved_lastfailed != self.lastfailed: config.cache.set("cache/lastfailed", self.lastfailed) class NFPlugin(object): """ Plugin which implements the --nf (run new-first) option """ def __init__(self, config): self.config = config = config.option.newfirst self.cached_nodeids = config.cache.get("cache/nodeids", []) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(self, session, config, items): if new_items = OrderedDict() other_items = OrderedDict() for item in items: if item.nodeid not in self.cached_nodeids: new_items[item.nodeid] = item else: other_items[item.nodeid] = item items[:] = self._get_increasing_order( six.itervalues(new_items) ) + self._get_increasing_order(six.itervalues(other_items)) self.cached_nodeids = [x.nodeid for x in items if isinstance(x, pytest.Item)] def _get_increasing_order(self, items): return sorted(items, key=lambda item: item.fspath.mtime(), reverse=True) def pytest_sessionfinish(self, session): config = self.config if config.getoption("cacheshow") or hasattr(config, "slaveinput"): return config.cache.set("cache/nodeids", self.cached_nodeids) def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup("general") group.addoption( "--lf", "--last-failed", action="store_true", dest="lf", help="rerun only the tests that failed " "at the last run (or all if none failed)", ) group.addoption( "--ff", "--failed-first", action="store_true", dest="failedfirst", help="run all tests but run the last failures first. " "This may re-order tests and thus lead to " "repeated fixture setup/teardown", ) group.addoption( "--nf", "--new-first", action="store_true", dest="newfirst", help="run tests from new files first, then the rest of the tests " "sorted by file mtime", ) group.addoption( "--cache-show", action="store_true", dest="cacheshow", help="show cache contents, don't perform collection or tests", ) group.addoption( "--cache-clear", action="store_true", dest="cacheclear", help="remove all cache contents at start of test run.", ) parser.addini("cache_dir", default=".pytest_cache", help="cache directory path.") group.addoption( "--lfnf", "--last-failed-no-failures", action="store", dest="last_failed_no_failures", choices=("all", "none"), default="all", help="change the behavior when no test failed in the last run or no " "information about the last failures was found in the cache", ) def pytest_cmdline_main(config): if config.option.cacheshow: from _pytest.main import wrap_session return wrap_session(config, cacheshow) @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True) def pytest_configure(config): config.cache = Cache.for_config(config) config.pluginmanager.register(LFPlugin(config), "lfplugin") config.pluginmanager.register(NFPlugin(config), "nfplugin") @pytest.fixture def cache(request): """ Return a cache object that can persist state between testing sessions. cache.get(key, default) cache.set(key, value) Keys must be a ``/`` separated value, where the first part is usually the name of your plugin or application to avoid clashes with other cache users. Values can be any object handled by the json stdlib module. """ return request.config.cache def pytest_report_header(config): if config.option.verbose: cachedir = config.cache._cachedir # TODO: evaluate generating upward relative paths # starting with .., ../.. if sensible try: displaypath = cachedir.relative_to(config.rootdir) except ValueError: displaypath = cachedir return "cachedir: {}".format(displaypath) def cacheshow(config, session): from pprint import pformat tw = tw.line("cachedir: " + str(config.cache._cachedir)) if not config.cache._cachedir.is_dir(): tw.line("cache is empty") return 0 dummy = object() basedir = config.cache._cachedir vdir = basedir / "v" tw.sep("-", "cache values") for valpath in sorted(x for x in vdir.rglob("*") if x.is_file()): key = valpath.relative_to(vdir) val = config.cache.get(key, dummy) if val is dummy: tw.line("%s contains unreadable content, " "will be ignored" % key) else: tw.line("%s contains:" % key) for line in pformat(val).splitlines(): tw.line(" " + line) ddir = basedir / "d" if ddir.is_dir(): contents = sorted(ddir.rglob("*")) tw.sep("-", "cache directories") for p in contents: # if p.check(dir=1): # print("%s/" % p.relto(basedir)) if p.is_file(): key = p.relative_to(basedir) tw.line("{} is a file of length {:d}".format(key, p.stat().st_size)) return 0