Entry and Context

The entry object is where webpack looks to start building the bundle. The context is an absolute string to the directory that contains the entry files.



The base directory, an absolute path, for resolving entry points and loaders from configuration.

context: path.resolve(__dirname, "app")

By default the current directory is used, but it's recommended to pass a value in your configuration. This makes your configuration independent from CWD (current working directory).


string | [string] | object { <key>: string | [string] } | (function: () => string | [string] | object { <key>: string | [string] })

The point or points to enter the application. At this point the application starts executing. If an array is passed all items will be executed.

A dynamically loaded module is not an entry point.

Simple rule: one entry point per HTML page. SPA: one entry point, MPA: multiple entry points.

entry: {
  home: "./home.js",
  about: "./about.js",
  contact: "./contact.js"


If a string or array of strings is passed, the chunk is named main. If an object is passed, each key is the name of a chunk, and the value describes the entrypoint for the chunk.

Dynamic entry

entry: () => './demo'


entry: () => new Promise((resolve) => resolve(['./demo', './demo2']))

When combining with the output.library option: If an array is passed only the last item is exported.