.. wxPython Phoenix documentation This file was generated by Phoenix's sphinx generator and associated tools, do not edit by hand. Copyright: (c) 2011-2017 by Total Control Software License: wxWindows License .. include:: headings.inc .. _wx.adv.BitmapComboBox: ========================================================================================================================================== |phoenix_title| **wx.adv.BitmapComboBox** ========================================================================================================================================== A combobox that displays bitmap in front of the list items. It currently only allows using bitmaps of one size, and resizes itself so that a bitmap can be shown next to the text field. .. _BitmapComboBox-styles: |styles| Window Styles ================================ This class supports the following styles: - ``wx.CB_READONLY``: Creates a combobox without a text editor. On some platforms the control may appear very different when this style is used. - ``wx.CB_SORT``: Sorts the entries in the list alphabetically. - ``wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER``: The control will generate the event wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER (otherwise pressing Enter key is either processed internally by the control or used for navigation between dialog controls). Windows only. .. _BitmapComboBox-events: |events| Events Emitted by this Class ===================================== Handlers bound for the following event types will receive a :ref:`wx.CommandEvent` parameter. - EVT_COMBOBOX: Process a ``wxEVT_COMBOBOX`` event, when an item on the list is selected. - EVT_TEXT: Process a ``wxEVT_TEXT`` event, when the combobox text changes. - EVT_TEXT_ENTER: Process a ``wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER`` event, when ``RETURN`` is pressed in the combobox. .. note:: While :ref:`wx.adv.BitmapComboBox` contains the :ref:`wx.ComboBox` API, but it might not actually be derived from that class. In fact, if the platform does not have a native implementation, :ref:`wx.adv.BitmapComboBox` will inherit from :ref:`wx.adv.OwnerDrawnComboBox`. You can determine if the implementation is generic by checking whether ``GENERIC_BITMAPCOMBOBOX`` is defined. Currently :ref:`wx.adv.BitmapComboBox` is implemented natively for MSW and GTK+. .. seealso:: :ref:`wx.ComboBox`, :ref:`wx.Choice`, :ref:`wx.adv.OwnerDrawnComboBox`, :ref:`wx.CommandEvent` .. todo:: create ``CB_PROCESS_ENTER`` rather than reusing ``wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER``! | |class_hierarchy| Class Hierarchy ================================= .. raw:: html
Inheritance diagram for class BitmapComboBox:

| |appearance| Control Appearance =============================== | .. figure:: _static/images/widgets/fullsize/wxmsw/wx.adv.bitmapcombobox.png :alt: wxMSW :figclass: floatleft **wxMSW** .. figure:: _static/images/widgets/fullsize/wxmac/wx.adv.bitmapcombobox.png :alt: wxMAC :figclass: floatright **wxMAC** .. figure:: _static/images/widgets/fullsize/wxgtk/wx.adv.bitmapcombobox.png :alt: wxGTK :figclass: floatcenter **wxGTK** | |method_summary| Methods Summary ================================ ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.__init__` Default constructor. :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.Append` Adds the item to the end of the combo box. :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.Create` Creates the combobox for two-step construction. :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.GetBitmapSize` Returns the size of the bitmaps used in the combo box. :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.GetItemBitmap` Returns the bitmap of the item with the given index. :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.Insert` Inserts the item into the list before `pos`. :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.SetItemBitmap` Sets the bitmap for the given item. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |property_summary| Properties Summary ===================================== ================================================================================ ================================================================================ :attr:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.BitmapSize` See :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.GetBitmapSize` ================================================================================ ================================================================================ | |api| Class API =============== .. class:: wx.adv.BitmapComboBox(Control, TextEntry, ItemContainer) **Possible constructors**:: BitmapComboBox() BitmapComboBox(parent, id=ID_ANY, value="", pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, choices=[], style=0, validator=DefaultValidator, name=BitmapComboBoxNameStr) A combobox that displays bitmap in front of the list items. .. method:: __init__(self, *args, **kw) |overload| Overloaded Implementations: **~~~** **__init__** `(self)` Default constructor. **~~~** **__init__** `(self, parent, id=ID_ANY, value="", pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, choices=[], style=0, validator=DefaultValidator, name=BitmapComboBoxNameStr)` Constructor, creating and showing a combobox. :param `parent`: Parent window. Must not be ``None``. :type `parent`: wx.Window :param `id`: Window identifier. The value ``wx.ID_ANY`` indicates a default value. :type `id`: wx.WindowID :param `value`: Initial selection string. An empty string indicates no selection. :type `value`: string :param `pos`: Initial position. :type `pos`: wx.Point :param `size`: Initial size. :type `size`: wx.Size :param `choices`: An list of strings with which to initialise the control. :type `choices`: list of strings :param `style`: The window style, see ``CB_`` flags. :type `style`: long :param `validator`: Validator which can be used for additional data checks. :type `validator`: wx.Validator :param `name`: Control name. :type `name`: string .. seealso:: :meth:`Create` , :ref:`wx.Validator` **~~~** .. method:: Append(self, *args, **kw) |overload| Overloaded Implementations: **~~~** **Append** `(self, item, bitmap=NullBitmap)` Adds the item to the end of the combo box. :param `item`: :type `item`: string :param `bitmap`: :type `bitmap`: wx.Bitmap :rtype: `int` **~~~** **Append** `(self, item, bitmap, clientData)` Adds the item to the end of the combo box, associating the given typed client data pointer `clientData` with the item. :param `item`: :type `item`: string :param `bitmap`: :type `bitmap`: wx.Bitmap :param `clientData`: :type `clientData`: ClientData :rtype: `int` **~~~** .. method:: Create(self, parent, id=ID_ANY, value="", pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, choices=[], style=0, validator=DefaultValidator, name=BitmapComboBoxNameStr) Creates the combobox for two-step construction. :param `parent`: :type `parent`: wx.Window :param `id`: :type `id`: wx.WindowID :param `value`: :type `value`: string :param `pos`: :type `pos`: wx.Point :param `size`: :type `size`: wx.Size :param `choices`: :type `choices`: list of strings :param `style`: :type `style`: long :param `validator`: :type `validator`: wx.Validator :param `name`: :type `name`: string :rtype: `bool` .. method:: GetBitmapSize(self) Returns the size of the bitmaps used in the combo box. If the combo box is empty, then `wx.DefaultSize` is returned. :rtype: `Size` .. method:: GetItemBitmap(self, n) Returns the bitmap of the item with the given index. :param `n`: :type `n`: int :rtype: `Bitmap` .. method:: Insert(self, *args, **kw) |overload| Overloaded Implementations: **~~~** **Insert** `(self, item, bitmap, pos)` Inserts the item into the list before `pos`. Not valid for ``CB_SORT`` style, use :meth:`Append` instead. :param `item`: :type `item`: string :param `bitmap`: :type `bitmap`: wx.Bitmap :param `pos`: :type `pos`: int :rtype: `int` **~~~** **Insert** `(self, item, bitmap, pos, clientData)` Inserts the item into the list before pos, associating the given typed client data pointer with the item. Not valid for ``CB_SORT`` style, use :meth:`Append` instead. :param `item`: :type `item`: string :param `bitmap`: :type `bitmap`: wx.Bitmap :param `pos`: :type `pos`: int :param `clientData`: :type `clientData`: ClientData :rtype: `int` **~~~** .. method:: SetItemBitmap(self, n, bitmap) Sets the bitmap for the given item. :param `n`: :type `n`: int :param `bitmap`: :type `bitmap`: wx.Bitmap .. attribute:: BitmapSize See :meth:`~wx.adv.BitmapComboBox.GetBitmapSize`