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phoenix_title wx.AcceleratorEntry

An object used by an application wishing to create an accelerator table (see wx.AcceleratorTable).

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class AcceleratorEntry:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
FromString Parses the given string and sets the accelerator accordingly.
GetCommand Returns the command identifier for the accelerator table entry.
GetFlags Returns the flags for the accelerator table entry.
GetKeyCode Returns the keycode for the accelerator table entry.
GetMenuItem Returns the menu item associated with this accelerator entry.
IsOk Returns True if this object is correctly initialized.
Set Sets the accelerator entry parameters.
ToRawString Returns a textual representation of this accelerator which is appropriate for saving in configuration files.
ToString Returns a textual representation of this accelerator.

api Class API

class wx.AcceleratorEntry(object)

Possible constructors:

AcceleratorEntry(flags=0, keyCode=0, cmd=0, item=None)


An object used by an application wishing to create an accelerator table (see AcceleratorTable).


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self, flags=0, keyCode=0, cmd=0, item=None)


  • flags (int) – A combination of the wx.AcceleratorEntryFlags values, which indicates which modifier keys are held down.
  • keyCode (int) – The keycode to be detected. See wx.KeyCode for a full list of keycodes.
  • cmd (int) – The menu or control command identifier (ID).
  • item (wx.MenuItem) – The menu item associated with this accelerator.

__init__ (self, entry)

Copy constructor.

Parameters:entry (wx.AcceleratorEntry) –

FromString(self, str)

Parses the given string and sets the accelerator accordingly.

Parameters:str (string) – This string may be either in the same format as returned by wx.ToString , i.e. contain the accelerator itself only, or have the format of a full menu item text with i.e. Label TAB Accelerator . In the latter case, the part of the string before the TAB is ignored. Notice that the latter format is only supported for the compatibility with the previous wxWidgets versions and the new code should pass only the accelerator string itself to this function.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the given string correctly initialized this object (i.e. if IsOk returns True after this call)


Returns the command identifier for the accelerator table entry.

Return type:int


Returns the flags for the accelerator table entry.

Return type:int


Returns the keycode for the accelerator table entry.

Return type:int


Returns the menu item associated with this accelerator entry.

Return type: wx.MenuItem


Returns True if this object is correctly initialized.

Return type:bool

Set(self, flags, keyCode, cmd, item=None)

Sets the accelerator entry parameters.

  • flags (int) – A combination of the wx.AcceleratorEntryFlags values, which indicates which modifier keys are held down.
  • keyCode (int) – The keycode to be detected. See wx.KeyCode for a full list of keycodes.
  • cmd (int) – The menu or control command identifier (ID).
  • item (wx.MenuItem) – The menu item associated with this accelerator.


Returns a textual representation of this accelerator which is appropriate for saving in configuration files.

Unlike the string returned by wx.ToString , this one is never translated so, while it’s not suitable for showing to the user, it can be used to uniquely identify the accelerator independently of the user language.

The returned string can still be parsed by wx.FromString .

Return type:string

New in version 2.9.4.


Returns a textual representation of this accelerator.

The returned string is of the form [Alt+][Ctrl+][RawCtrl+][Shift+]Key where the modifier keys are present only if the corresponding flag is set.

Return type:string

Parameters:entry (wx.AcceleratorEntry) –

Parameters:entry (wx.AcceleratorEntry) –



See GetCommand


See GetFlags


See GetKeyCode


See GetMenuItem