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phoenix_title wx.ClientDataContainer

This class is a mixin that provides storage and management of “client data”.

This data can either be of type - in which case the data container does not take care of freeing the data again or it is of type ClientData or its derivatives. In that case the container will free the memory itself later. Note that you must not assign both data and data derived from the ClientData class to a container.


This functionality is currently duplicated in wx.EvtHandler in order to avoid having more than one vtable in that class hierarchy.

See also

wx.EvtHandler, ClientData

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class ClientDataContainer:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Default constructor.
GetClientData Get a pointer to the client data object.
GetClientObject Alias for GetClientData
SetClientData Set the client data object.
SetClientObject Alias for SetClientData

property_summary Properties Summary

ClientData See GetClientData and SetClientData

api Class API

class wx.ClientDataContainer(object)

Possible constructors:


This class is a mixin that provides storage and management of “client data”.



Default constructor.


Get a pointer to the client data object.

Return type:ClientData


Alias for GetClientData

SetClientData(self, data)

Set the client data object.

Any previous object will be deleted.

Parameters:data (ClientData) –

SetClientObject(self, data)

Alias for SetClientData



See GetClientData and SetClientData