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phoenix_title wx.DataObjectSimple

This is the simplest possible implementation of the wx.DataObject class.

The data object of (a class derived from) this class only supports one format, so the number of virtual functions to be implemented is reduced.

Notice that this is still an abstract base class and cannot be used directly, it must be derived. The objects supporting rendering the data must override GetDataSize and GetDataHere while the objects which may be set must override SetData. Of course, the objects supporting both operations must override all three methods.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class DataObjectSimple:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor accepts the supported format (none by default) which may also be set later with SetFormat .
GetAllFormats Returns a list of wx.DataFormat objects which this data object
GetDataHere Copies this data object’s data bytes to the given buffer
GetDataSize Gets the size of our data.
GetFormat Returns the (one and only one) format supported by this object.
SetData Copies data from the provided buffer to this data object.
SetFormat Sets the supported format.

api Class API

class wx.DataObjectSimple(DataObject)

Possible constructors:



This is the simplest possible implementation of the DataObject class.


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self, format=FormatInvalid)

Constructor accepts the supported format (none by default) which may also be set later with SetFormat .

Parameters:format (wx.DataFormat) –

__init__ (self, formatName)

GetAllFormats(self, dir=DataObject.Get)

Returns a list of wx.DataFormat objects which this data object supports transferring in the given direction.

GetDataHere(self, buf)

Copies this data object’s data bytes to the given buffer

Return type:bool


Gets the size of our data.

Must be implemented in the derived class if the object supports rendering its data.

Return type:int


Returns the (one and only one) format supported by this object.

It is assumed that the format is supported in both directions.

Return type: wx.DataFormat

SetData(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

SetData (self, buf)

Copies data from the provided buffer to this data object.

Return type:bool

SetData (self, format, buf)

Return type:bool

SetFormat(self, format)

Sets the supported format.

Parameters:format (wx.DataFormat) –



See GetAllFormats


See GetDataHere


See GetDataSize


See GetFormat and SetFormat