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phoenix_title wx.DateTime.Tm

Contains broken down date-time representation.

This struct is analogous to standard C struct tm and uses the same, not always immediately obvious, conventions for its members: notably its mon and mday fields count from 0 while yday counts from 1.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class Tm:

method_summary Methods Summary

GetWeekDay Return the week day corresponding to this date.
IsValid Check if the given date/time is valid (in Gregorian calendar).

property_summary Properties Summary

WeekDay See GetWeekDay
hour A public C++ attribute of type int. Hours since midnight in 0..23 range.
mday A public C++ attribute of type int. Day of the month in 1..31 range.
min A public C++ attribute of type int. Minutes in 0..59 range.
mon A public C++ attribute of type DateTime.Month. Month, as an enumerated constant.
msec A public C++ attribute of type int. Number of milliseconds.
sec A public C++ attribute of type int. Seconds in 0..59 (60 with leap seconds) range.
yday A public C++ attribute of type int. Day of the year in 0..365 range.
year A public C++ attribute of type int. Year.

api Class API

class wx.DateTime.Tm(object)

Contains broken down date-time representation.



Return the week day corresponding to this date.

Unlike the other fields, the week day is not always available and so must be accessed using this method as it is computed on demand when it is called.

Return type: wx.DateTime.WeekDay


Check if the given date/time is valid (in Gregorian calendar).

Return False if the components don’t correspond to a correct date.

Return type:bool



See GetWeekDay


A public C++ attribute of type int. Hours since midnight in 0..23 range.


A public C++ attribute of type int. Day of the month in 1..31 range.


A public C++ attribute of type int. Minutes in 0..59 range.


A public C++ attribute of type DateTime.Month. Month, as an enumerated constant.


A public C++ attribute of type int. Number of milliseconds.


A public C++ attribute of type int. Seconds in 0..59 (60 with leap seconds) range.


A public C++ attribute of type int. Day of the year in 0..365 range.


A public C++ attribute of type int. Year.