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phoenix_title wx.FileConfig

wx.FileConfig implements wx.ConfigBase interface for storing and retrieving configuration information using plain text files.

The files have a simple format reminiscent of Windows INI files with lines of the form "key = value" defining the keys and lines of special form "[group]" indicating the start of each group.

This class is used by default for Config on Unix platforms but may also be used explicitly if you want to use files and not the registry even under Windows.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class FileConfig:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor allowing to choose the file names to use.
DeleteAll Delete the whole underlying object (disk file, registry key, ...).
DeleteEntry Deletes the specified entry and the group it belongs to if it was the last key in it and the second parameter is True.
DeleteGroup Delete the group (with all subgroups).
Flush Permanently writes all changes (otherwise, they’re only written from object’s destructor).
GetNumberOfEntries Get number of entries in the current group.
GetNumberOfGroups Get number of entries/subgroups in the current group, with or without its subgroups.
GetPath Retrieve the current path (always as absolute path).
RenameEntry Renames an entry in the current group.
RenameGroup Renames a subgroup of the current group.
Save Saves all config data to the given stream, returns True if data was saved successfully or False on error.
SetPath Set current path: if the first character is ‘/’, it is the absolute path, otherwise it is a relative path.
SetUmask Allows to set the mode to be used for the config file creation.

api Class API

class wx.FileConfig(ConfigBase)

Possible constructors:

FileConfig(appName="", vendorName="",
           localFilename="", globalFilename="",


FileConfig implements ConfigBase interface for storing and retrieving configuration information using plain text files.


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self, appName=””, vendorName=””, localFilename=””, globalFilename=””, style=CONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE|CONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE)

Constructor allowing to choose the file names to use.

If localFilename and/or globalFilename are explicitly specified, they are used as the names of the user and system-wide configuration files (the latter is only read by the program while the former is read from and written to). Otherwise the behaviour depends on style parameter. If it includes CONFIG_USE_LOCAL_FILE, then the local file name is constructed from the information in appName and vendorName arguments in a system-dependent way. If CONFIG_USE_GLOBAL_FILE is not specified at all (and globalFilename is empty) then the system-wide file is not used at all. Otherwise its name and path are also constructed in the way appropriate for the current platform from the application and vendor names.

  • appName (string) –
  • vendorName (string) –
  • localFilename (string) –
  • globalFilename (string) –
  • style (long) –

__init__ (self, is)

Read the config data from the specified stream instead of the associated file, as usual.

Parameters:is (wx.InputStream) –

See also



Delete the whole underlying object (disk file, registry key, ...).

Primarily for use by uninstallation routine.

Return type:bool

DeleteEntry(self, key, bDeleteGroupIfEmpty=True)

Deletes the specified entry and the group it belongs to if it was the last key in it and the second parameter is True.

  • key (string) –
  • bDeleteGroupIfEmpty (bool) –
Return type:


DeleteGroup(self, key)

Delete the group (with all subgroups).

If the current path is under the group being deleted it is changed to its deepest still existing component. E.g. if the current path is "/A/B/C/D" and the group C is deleted, the path becomes "/A/B" .

Parameters:key (string) –
Return type:bool

Flush(self, bCurrentOnly=False)

Permanently writes all changes (otherwise, they’re only written from object’s destructor).

Parameters:bCurrentOnly (bool) –
Return type:bool

static GetGlobalFileName(szFile)
Parameters:szFile (string) –
Return type:string

static GetLocalFileName(szFile, style=0)
  • szFile (string) –
  • style (int) –
Return type:


GetNumberOfEntries(self, bRecursive=False)

Get number of entries in the current group.

Parameters:bRecursive (bool) –
Return type:int

GetNumberOfGroups(self, bRecursive=False)

Get number of entries/subgroups in the current group, with or without its subgroups.

Parameters:bRecursive (bool) –
Return type:int


Retrieve the current path (always as absolute path).

Return type:string

HasEntry(self, strName)
Parameters:strName (string) –
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the entry by this name exists.

HasGroup(self, strName)
Parameters:strName (string) –
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the group by this name exists.

RenameEntry(self, oldName, newName)

Renames an entry in the current group.

The entries names (both the old and the new one) shouldn’t contain backslashes, i.e. only simple names and not arbitrary paths are accepted by this function.

  • oldName (string) –
  • newName (string) –
Return type:



False if oldName doesn’t exist or if newName already exists.

RenameGroup(self, oldName, newName)

Renames a subgroup of the current group.

The subgroup names (both the old and the new one) shouldn’t contain backslashes, i.e. only simple names and not arbitrary paths are accepted by this function.

  • oldName (string) –
  • newName (string) –
Return type:



False if oldName doesn’t exist or if newName already exists.

Save(self, os)

Saves all config data to the given stream, returns True if data was saved successfully or False on error.

Note the interaction of this function with the internal “dirty flag”: the data is saved unconditionally, i.e. even if the object is not dirty. However after saving it successfully, the dirty flag is reset so no changes will be written back to the file this object is associated with until you change its contents again.

Parameters:os (wx.OutputStream) –
Return type:bool

SetPath(self, strPath)

Set current path: if the first character is ‘/’, it is the absolute path, otherwise it is a relative path.

‘..’ is supported. If strPath doesn’t exist, it is created.

Parameters:strPath (string) –

SetUmask(self, mode)

Allows to set the mode to be used for the config file creation.

For example, to create a config file which is not readable by other users (useful if it stores some sensitive information, such as passwords), you could use SetUmask(0077) .

This function doesn’t do anything on non-Unix platforms.

Parameters:mode (int) –

See also




See GetNumberOfEntries


See GetNumberOfGroups


See GetPath and SetPath