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phoenix_title wx.PrintDialog

This class represents the print and print setup common dialogs.

You may obtain a wx.PrinterDC device context from a successfully dismissed print dialog.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class PrintDialog:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
GetPrintDC Returns the device context created by the print dialog, if any.
GetPrintData Returns the print data associated with the print dialog.
GetPrintDialogData Returns the print dialog data associated with the print dialog.
ShowModal Shows the dialog, returning ID_OK if the user pressed wx.OK, and ID_CANCEL otherwise.

api Class API

class wx.PrintDialog(Object)

Possible constructors:

PrintDialog(parent, data=None)

PrintDialog(parent, data)

This class represents the print and print setup common dialogs.


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self, parent, data=None)


Pass a parent window, and optionally a pointer to a block of print data, which will be copied to the print dialog’s print data.


__init__ (self, parent, data)



Returns the device context created by the print dialog, if any.

When this function has been called, the ownership of the device context is transferred to the application, so it must then be deleted explicitly.

Return type: wx.DC


Returns the print data associated with the print dialog.

Return type: wx.PrintData


Returns the print dialog data associated with the print dialog.

Return type: wx.PrintDialogData


Shows the dialog, returning ID_OK if the user pressed wx.OK, and ID_CANCEL otherwise.

After this function is called, a device context may be retrievable using GetPrintDC .

Return type:int



See GetPrintDC


See GetPrintData


See GetPrintDialogData