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phoenix_title wx.PyApp

The wx.App class represents the application itself when USE_GUI=1 .

In addition to the features provided by wx.AppConsole it keeps track of the top window (see SetTopWindow) and adds support for video modes (see SetVideoMode()).

In general, application-wide settings for GUI-only apps are accessible from wx.App (or from wx.SystemSettings or wx.SystemOptions classes).

events Events Emitted by this Class

Event macros for events emitted by this class:

  • EVT_QUERY_END_SESSION: Process a query end session event, supplying the member function. See wx.CloseEvent.
  • EVT_END_SESSION: Process an end session event, supplying the member function. See wx.CloseEvent.
  • EVT_ACTIVATE_APP: Process a wxEVT_ACTIVATE_APP event. See wx.ActivateEvent.
  • EVT_HIBERNATE: Process a hibernate event. See wx.ActivateEvent.
  • EVT_DIALUP_CONNECTED: A connection with the network was established. See DialUpEvent .
  • EVT_DIALUP_DISCONNECTED: The connection with the network was lost. See DialUpEvent .
  • EVT_IDLE: Process a wxEVT_IDLE event. See wx.IdleEvent.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class PyApp:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
GetAssertMode Returns the current mode for how the application responds to asserts.
GetComCtl32Version Returns 400, 470, 471, etc. for comctl32.dll 4.00, 4.70, 4.71 or 0 if
GetDisplayMode Get display mode that is used use.
GetExitOnFrameDelete Returns True if the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.
GetLayoutDirection Return the layout direction for the current locale or Layout_Default if it’s unknown.
GetShell32Version Returns 400, 470, 471, etc. for shell32.dll 4.00, 4.70, 4.71 or 0 if
GetTopWindow Returns a pointer to the top window.
GetUseBestVisual Returns True if the application will use the best visual on systems that support different visuals, False otherwise.
IsActive Returns True if the application is active, i.e. if one of its windows is currently in the foreground.
IsDisplayAvailable Returns True if the application is able to connect to the system’s
MacHideApp Hide all application windows just as the user can do with the
MacNewFile Called in response of an “open-application” Apple event.
MacOpenFile Called in response of an “open-document” Apple event.
MacOpenFiles Called in response of an openFiles message with Cocoa, or an “open-document” Apple event with Carbon.
MacOpenURL Called in response of a “get-url” Apple event.
MacPrintFile Called in response of a “print-document” Apple event.
MacReopenApp Called in response of a “reopen-application” Apple event.
OSXIsGUIApplication May be overridden to indicate that the application is not a foreground GUI application under OS X.
SafeYield This function is similar to wx.Yield , except that it disables the user input to all program windows before calling wx.AppConsole.Yield and re-enables it again afterwards.
SafeYieldFor Works like wx.SafeYield with onlyIfNeeded == True except that it allows the caller to specify a mask of events to be processed.
SetAssertMode Set the mode indicating how the application responds to assertion
SetDisplayMode Set display mode to use.
SetExitOnFrameDelete Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.
SetNativeTheme Allows runtime switching of the UI environment theme.
SetTopWindow Sets the ‘top’ window.
SetUseBestVisual Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will use the best visual on systems that support several visual on the same display.

api Class API

class wx.PyApp(AppConsole)

Possible constructors:


The App class represents the application itself when USE_GUI=1.




Called implicitly with a definition of a wx.App object.


Returns the current mode for how the application responds to asserts.

Return type: wx.AppAssertMode

static GetComCtl32Version()
Returns 400, 470, 471, etc. for comctl32.dll 4.00, 4.70, 4.71 or 0 if it wasn’t found at all. Raises an exception on non-Windows platforms.
Return type:int


Get display mode that is used use.

This is only used in framebuffer wxWidgets ports such as wxDFB.

Return type: wx.VideoMode


Returns True if the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.

Return type:bool


Return the layout direction for the current locale or Layout_Default if it’s unknown.

Return type: wx.LayoutDirection

static GetShell32Version()
Returns 400, 470, 471, etc. for shell32.dll 4.00, 4.70, 4.71 or 0 if it wasn’t found at all. Raises an exception on non-Windows platforms.
Return type:int


Returns a pointer to the top window.

Return type: wx.Window


If the top window hasn’t been set using SetTopWindow , this function will find the first top-level window (frame or dialog or instance of wx.TopLevelWindow) from the internal top level window list and return that.

See also



Returns True if the application will use the best visual on systems that support different visuals, False otherwise.

Return type:bool

See also



Returns True if the application is active, i.e. if one of its windows is currently in the foreground.

If this function returns False and you need to attract users attention to the application, you may use wx.TopLevelWindow.RequestUserAttention to do it.

Return type:bool

static IsDisplayAvailable()
Returns True if the application is able to connect to the system’s display, or whatever the equivallent is for the platform.
Return type:bool


Hide all application windows just as the user can do with the system Hide command. Mac only.


Called in response of an “open-application” Apple event.

Override this to create a new document in your app.


Only available for OSX.

MacOpenFile(self, fileName)

Called in response of an “open-document” Apple event.

Parameters:fileName (string) –

Deprecated since version 4.0.1: This function is kept mostly for backwards compatibility. Please override wx.App.MacOpenFiles method instead in any new code.


Only available for OSX.

MacOpenFiles(self, fileNames)

Called in response of an openFiles message with Cocoa, or an “open-document” Apple event with Carbon.

You need to override this method in order to open one or more document files after the user double clicked on it or if the files and/or folders were dropped on either the application in the dock or the application icon in Finder.

By default this method calls MacOpenFile for each file/folder.

Parameters:fileNames (list of strings) –

New in version 2.9.3.


Only available for OSX.

MacOpenURL(self, url)

Called in response of a “get-url” Apple event.

Parameters:url (string) –


Only available for OSX.

MacPrintFile(self, fileName)

Called in response of a “print-document” Apple event.

Parameters:fileName (string) –


Only available for OSX.


Called in response of a “reopen-application” Apple event.


Only available for OSX.


May be overridden to indicate that the application is not a foreground GUI application under OS X.

This method is called during the application startup and returns True by default. In this case, wxWidgets ensures that the application is ran as a foreground, GUI application so that the user can interact with it normally, even if it is not bundled. If this is undesired, i.e. if the application doesn’t need to be brought to the foreground, this method can be overridden to return False.

Notice that overriding it doesn’t make any difference for the bundled applications which are always foreground unless LSBackgroundOnly key is specified in the Info.plist file.

Return type:bool

New in version 3.0.1.


Only available for OSX.

SafeYield(self, win, onlyIfNeeded)

This function is similar to wx.Yield , except that it disables the user input to all program windows before calling wx.AppConsole.Yield and re-enables it again afterwards.

If win is not None, this window will remain enabled, allowing the implementation of some limited user interaction. Returns the result of the call to wx.AppConsole.Yield .

  • win (wx.Window) –
  • onlyIfNeeded (bool) –
Return type:


See also


SafeYieldFor(self, win, eventsToProcess)

Works like wx.SafeYield with onlyIfNeeded == True except that it allows the caller to specify a mask of events to be processed.

See AppConsole.YieldFor for more info.

  • win (wx.Window) –
  • eventsToProcess (long) –
Return type:


SetAssertMode(self, AppAssertMode)

Set the mode indicating how the application responds to assertion statements. Valid settings are a combination of these flags:

  • wx.``wx.APP_ASSERT_DIALOG``
  • wx.``wx.APP_ASSERT_LOG``

The default behavior is to raise a wx.wxAssertionError exception.

Parameters:wxAppAssertMode (AppAssertMode) –

SetDisplayMode(self, info)

Set display mode to use.

This is only used in framebuffer wxWidgets ports such as wxDFB.

Parameters:info (wx.VideoMode) –
Return type:bool

SetExitOnFrameDelete(self, flag)

Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted.

Parameters:flag (bool) – If True (the default), the application will exit when the top-level frame is deleted. If False, the application will continue to run.

SetNativeTheme(self, theme)

Allows runtime switching of the UI environment theme.

Currently implemented for GTK2-only. Return True if theme was successfully changed.

Parameters:theme (string) – The name of the new theme or an absolute path to a gtkrc-theme-file
Return type:bool

SetTopWindow(self, window)

Sets the ‘top’ window.

You can call this from within OnInit to let wxWidgets know which is the main window. You don’t have to set the top window; it is only a convenience so that (for example) certain dialogs without parents can use a specific window as the top window.

If no top window is specified by the application, wxWidgets just uses the first frame or dialog (or better, any wx.TopLevelWindow) in its top-level window list, when it needs to use the top window. If you previously called SetTopWindow and now you need to restore this automatic behaviour you can call:

Parameters:window (wx.Window) – The new top window.

See also

GetTopWindow , OnInit

SetUseBestVisual(self, flag, forceTrueColour=False)

Allows the programmer to specify whether the application will use the best visual on systems that support several visual on the same display.

This is typically the case under Solaris and IRIX, where the default visual is only 8-bit whereas certain applications are supposed to run in TrueColour mode.

Note that this function has to be called in the constructor of the wx.App instance and won’t have any effect when called later on. This function currently only has effect under GTK.

  • flag (bool) – If True, the app will use the best visual.
  • forceTrueColour (bool) – If True then the application will try to force using a TrueColour visual and abort the app if none is found.



See GetAssertMode and SetAssertMode


See GetDisplayMode and SetDisplayMode


See GetExitOnFrameDelete and SetExitOnFrameDelete


See GetLayoutDirection


See GetTopWindow and SetTopWindow


See GetUseBestVisual and SetUseBestVisual