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phoenix_title wx.ScrolledWindow

Scrolled window derived from wx.Panel.

See wx.Scrolled for a detailed description.


Note that because this class derives from wx.Panel, it shares its behaviour with regard to TAB traversal and focus handling (in particular, it forwards focus to its children). If you don’t want this behaviour, use wx.ScrolledCanvas instead.


wx.ScrolledWindow is an alias for ScrolledPanel since version 2.9.0. In older versions, it was a standalone class.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class ScrolledWindow:

method_summary Methods Summary

SetFocusIgnoringChildren In contrast to SetFocus() this will set the focus to the panel even if

api Class API

class wx.ScrolledWindow(_ScrolledWindowBase)

Possible constructors:


ScrolledWindow(parent, winid=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition,
               size=DefaultSize, style=ScrolledWindowStyle, name=PanelNameStr)

Scrolled window derived from Panel.


__init__(self, *args, **kw)

overload Overloaded Implementations:

__init__ (self)

__init__ (self, parent, winid=ID_ANY, pos=DefaultPosition, size=DefaultSize, style=ScrolledWindowStyle, name=PanelNameStr)

  • parent (wx.Window) –
  • winid (wx.WindowID) –
  • pos (Point) –
  • size (Size) –
  • style (long) –
  • name (String) –


In contrast to SetFocus() this will set the focus to the panel even if there are child windows in the panel. This is only rarely needed.