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phoenix_title wx.SettableHeaderColumn

Adds methods to set the column attributes to wx.HeaderColumn.

This class adds setters for the column attributes defined by wx.HeaderColumn. It is still an abstract base class and needs to be implemented before using it with wx.HeaderCtrl.

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class SettableHeaderColumn:

method_summary Methods Summary

ChangeFlag Set or clear the given flag.
ClearFlag Clear the specified flag for the column.
SetAlignment Set the alignment of the column header.
SetBitmap Set the bitmap to be displayed in the column header.
SetFlag Set the specified flag for the column.
SetFlags Set the column flags.
SetHidden Hide or show the column.
SetMinWidth Set the minimal column width.
SetReorderable Allow changing the column order by dragging it.
SetResizeable Call this to enable or disable interactive resizing of the column by the user.
SetSortOrder Sets this column as the sort key for the associated control.
SetSortable Allow clicking the column to sort the control contents by the field in this column.
SetTitle Set the text to display in the column header.
SetWidth Set the column width.
ToggleFlag Toggle the specified flag for the column.
ToggleSortOrder Inverses the sort order.
UnsetAsSortKey Don’t use this column for sorting.

property_summary Properties Summary

Alignment See GetAlignment and SetAlignment
Bitmap See GetBitmap and SetBitmap
Flags See GetFlags and SetFlags
Hidden See IsHidden and SetHidden
MinWidth See GetMinWidth and SetMinWidth
Reorderable See IsReorderable and SetReorderable
Resizeable See IsResizeable and SetResizeable
Sortable See IsSortable and SetSortable
Title See GetTitle and SetTitle
Width See GetWidth and SetWidth

api Class API

class wx.SettableHeaderColumn(HeaderColumn)

Adds methods to set the column attributes to HeaderColumn.


ChangeFlag(self, flag, set)

Set or clear the given flag.

  • flag (int) – The flag to set or clear.
  • set (bool) – If True, set the flag, i.e. equivalent to calling SetFlag , otherwise clear it, as ClearFlag .

See also


ClearFlag(self, flag)

Clear the specified flag for the column.

Parameters:flag (int) –

See also


SetAlignment(self, align)

Set the alignment of the column header.

Parameters:align (Alignment) – The text alignment in horizontal direction only or wx.ALIGN_NOT to use the default alignment, The possible values here are wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, wx.ALIGN_LEFT or wx.ALIGN_RIGHT with wx.ALIGN_CENTRE_HORIZONTAL being also supported as synonym for wx.ALIGN_CENTRE for consistency (but notice that GetAlignment never returns it).

SetBitmap(self, bitmap)

Set the bitmap to be displayed in the column header.

Notice that the bitmaps displayed in different columns of the same control must all be of the same size.

Parameters:bitmap (wx.Bitmap) –

SetFlag(self, flag)

Set the specified flag for the column.

Parameters:flag (int) –

See also


SetFlags(self, flags)

Set the column flags.

This method allows to set all flags at once, see also generic ChangeFlag , SetFlag , ClearFlag and ToggleFlag methods below as well as specific SetResizeable , SetSortable , SetReorderable and SetHidden ones.

Parameters:flags (int) – Combination of wx.COL_RESIZABLE, wx.COL_SORTABLE, wx.COL_REORDERABLE and wx.COL_HIDDEN bit flags.

SetHidden(self, hidden)

Hide or show the column.

By default all columns are shown but some of them can be completely hidden from view by calling this function.

Equivalent to ChangeFlag(wxCOL_HIDDEN, hidden).

Parameters:hidden (bool) –

SetMinWidth(self, minWidth)

Set the minimal column width.

This method can be used with resizable columns (i.e. those for which wx.COL_RESIZABLE flag is set in GetFlags or, alternatively, IsResizeable returns True) to prevent the user from making them narrower than the given width.

Parameters:minWidth (int) – The minimal column width in pixels, may be 0 to remove any previously set restrictions.

SetReorderable(self, reorderable)

Allow changing the column order by dragging it.

Equivalent to ChangeFlag(wxCOL_REORDERABLE, reorderable).

Parameters:reorderable (bool) –

SetResizeable(self, resizable)

Call this to enable or disable interactive resizing of the column by the user.

By default, the columns are resizable.

Equivalent to ChangeFlag(wxCOL_RESIZABLE, resizable).

Parameters:resizable (bool) –

SetSortOrder(self, ascending)

Sets this column as the sort key for the associated control.

This function indicates that this column is currently used for sorting the control and also sets the sorting direction. Notice that actual sorting is only done in the control associated with the header, this function doesn’t do any sorting on its own.

Don’t confuse this function with SetSortable which should be used to indicate that the column may be used for sorting while this one is used to indicate that it currently is used for sorting. Of course, SetSortOrder can be only called for sortable columns.

Parameters:ascending (bool) – If True, sort in ascending order, otherwise in descending order.

SetSortable(self, sortable)

Allow clicking the column to sort the control contents by the field in this column.

By default, the columns are not sortable so you need to explicitly call this function to allow sorting by the field corresponding to this column.

Equivalent to ChangeFlag(wxCOL_SORTABLE, sortable).

Parameters:sortable (bool) –

SetTitle(self, title)

Set the text to display in the column header.

Parameters:title (string) –

SetWidth(self, width)

Set the column width.

Parameters:width (int) – The column width in pixels or the special wx.COL_WIDTH_DEFAULT (meaning to use default width) or wx.COL_WIDTH_AUTOSIZE (size to fit the content) value.

ToggleFlag(self, flag)

Toggle the specified flag for the column.

If the flag is currently set, equivalent to ClearFlag , otherwise SetFlag .

Parameters:flag (int) –

See also



Inverses the sort order.

This function is typically called when the user clicks on a column used for sorting to change sort order from ascending to descending or vice versa.


Don’t use this column for sorting.

This is the reverse of SetSortOrder and is called to indicate that this column is not used for sorting any longer.



See GetAlignment and SetAlignment


See GetBitmap and SetBitmap


See GetFlags and SetFlags


See IsHidden and SetHidden


See GetMinWidth and SetMinWidth


See IsReorderable and SetReorderable


See IsResizeable and SetResizeable


See IsSortable and SetSortable


See GetTitle and SetTitle


See GetWidth and SetWidth